NEED A KICK START Trying to kick start your fitness routine? - TopicsExpress


NEED A KICK START Trying to kick start your fitness routine? This means hours of cardio training, right? Not only does that seem overwhelming, time-consuming, and difficult to stick with, but what if there was a way to burn more calories, lose more fat, and improve your cardiovascular fitness level while spending less time working out? We are desperate for a way to get fitter, faster. Enter Metafit. How It Works Metafit is a specialized form of interval training that involves short intervals of maximum intensity exercise separated incomplete rest intervals. Because it involves briefly pushing yourself beyond the upper end of your aerobic exercise zone, it offers you several advantages that traditional steady-state exercise (where you keep your heart rate within your aerobic zone) can’t provide. Metafit trains and conditions both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. Metafit trains your anaerobic system with brief, all-out efforts. Have you ever seen a chubby sprinter? Not likely. They push themselves to the capacity then recover and repeat. This shorter, more intense way of working is just that, and also creates a ton of additional benefits. Burn More Calories, Burn More Fat Metafit increases the amount of calories you burn during your exercise session and afterward because it increases the length of time it takes your body to recover from each exercise session. Metafit causes metabolic adaptations that enable you to use more fat as fuel under a variety of conditions. This will improve your athletic endurance as well as your fat-burning potential. Keep the Muscle Anyone who has been on a diet knows that it’s hard to not lose muscle mass along with fat. And even worse, steady state cardio seems to encourage muscle loss through the production of cortisol. A study published in the Journal of Obesity showed that both weight training and HIIT workouts allow dieters to preserve their hard-earned muscles while ensuring most of the weight loss comes from fat stores. Who doesn’t like that? Keep the muscle, burn the fat. Perfect! Get Lean, Stay Youthful Not only does Metafit beat conventional cardio as the most effective and efficient form of exercise, it also provides health benefits you simply cannot get from regular aerobics, such as a tremendous boost in human growth hormone (HGH), aka the “fitness hormone.” This is great news since HGH is not only responsible for increased caloric burn but also slows down the aging process, making you younger both inside and out. It’s almost like a metabolic fountain of youth. Forget the Botox, it’s time for your Metafit workout. Metabolism Booster Several of the genes affected by an acute bout of exercise are genes involved in fat metabolism. Another study in the Journal of Cell Metabolism showed that when you exercise, your body almost immediately experiences genetic activation that increases the production of fat-busting (lipolytic) enzymes. We all want to be more efficient calorie burners, even at rest, so after you’ve completed a Metafit workout, you’ve not only burned a ton of calories, but also sped up your metabolism! Win/Win! No Time, No Problem I get it: our lives are really packed. It is always a challenge to find time to squeeze in a workout. Well,”no time to exercise” is no longer an excuse because Metafit is tailored to suit everybody. These quick, efficient sessions leave you with more time to enjoy life while feeling more fit!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 03:08:03 +0000

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