No, not at all. Contrary to what you’ve just said I in no way - TopicsExpress


No, not at all. Contrary to what you’ve just said I in no way seek an imposed order based on some prescribed theocratic set up. I am, in fact, issuing a call for Christian virtue. Specifically, that Christians are consistent in being the salt and light that Jesus Himself has called them to be. On the practical side this means that we reject and condemn all that is not virtuous, e.g., bigotry, greed, cruelty, injustice, selfishness, and extol and support that which is virtuous, e.g., kindness, justice, self-sacrifice, generosity, respect for basic human rights and dignity, preservation and support of life. You may possibly recognize this as the original Greek philosophy of cynicism (not its current negative version) which was the extolling of virtue (and exposure of that which is not virtuous). I would not really disagree with that assessment. The single virtuous Christian could, in one day, do more for the world that the thousands of cocooned, compromised, sub-cultured, materially and spiritually besotted “Christians” who dominate much of the landscape, not to mention the apostatized Christians so entranced with the “prosperity gospel” that they present it as Biblical truth in direct opposition to the words of Holy Scripture and Jesus Himself. Those faithful Christians who, in contrast to so many, take seriously Jesus call to them to “deny themselves, take up the cross and follow him” and who well discern that they have been called to love and work hard for “the least of these my brothers” and who actively seek their benefit and well-being. These virtuous Christians, as imperfect as they may be, have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal the earth in Jesus’ name and indeed there have been shining examples of Christian virtue to point to to prove the case. In my opinion “legislating morality” is important only in so far as to protect others from injustice, harm or abuse but practicing morality is far more important because the more we do it the less external restraints are needed and the greater the healing we spread. Love accomplishes far more than fear and perfect love casts out fear. My main dismay is often that so many think the opposite. I have a deep disdain for politics so I choose not to respond to your purely political comments which played no role in any comments I made earlier. To me it’s not a political issue, it’s a moral one, and my own concern is that laws and societal order (of whichever strain) offer protection and justice to those under it. Vince Capman January 2008
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 15:42:32 +0000

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