OBAMA HAS SO MANY MASTERS that he’ll be tap dancing 24 hours a - TopicsExpress


OBAMA HAS SO MANY MASTERS that he’ll be tap dancing 24 hours a day. His faithful cultists, kool-aid drinkers, entitlement junkies, and clueless supporters will be first to be stabbed…and last to realize it. Zionist Jews own Obama, his ‘administration,’ and essentially control America via its monetary system, its professions, its education system, its media culture, and every other crucial piece of America’s societal infrastructure. If an incumbent president doesn’t play ball with the Zionist Jews, his political career is over. National security, foreign policy, and fiscal, monetary, and economic policy are largely controlled by Jewish apparatchiks. Heres more of Obama’s Zionist Jews in power... : - Ezekiel Emanuel = White House Medical Czar - Douglas Shulman = IRS Commissioner - Hillary Clinton = Secretary of State - Ken Feinberg = Corp. Executive Compensation Czar - Daniel Fried = Overseer of USA’s gulag camps - Alan Bersin = Special Representative for Border Affairs - Alan Bersin = Special Representative for Border Affairs - Carol Browner = environmental advisor and Energy Coordinator - Elena Kagan = U.S. Solicitor General - Eric Lander = Chairman, Council of Advisors on Science and Technology - Ellen Moran = White House Director of Communications - Sheila Bair = Chairperson, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - Donald Kohn = Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve Board - Karen Mills = head, Small Business Administration - Julius Genachowski = Chairman, Federal Communications Commission - Susan Sher = Chief of Staff for First Lady, Michelle Obama - Thomas Frieden = Director, Centers for Disease Control - Richard Haass = President of CFR and Obama’s ambassador-at-large - Lloyd Blankfein = CEO, Goldman-Sachs - Cass Sunstein = Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs - Steven Rattner = Director, Obama’s Task Force of Auto Industry - Todd Stern = Climate Change Czar - Gary Gensler = Chairman of Commodities Futures Trading Commission - Ron Klain = Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden - Jacob Lew and James Steinberg = Deputy Secretaries of State - Mary Schapiro = Chairperson, Securities and Exchange Commission - Mona Sutphen = Deputy White House Chief of Staff - Richard Holbrooke = Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan - Jon Leibowitz = Chairman, Federal Trade Commission - Dr. Margaret Hamburg = Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration *The Jewish Virtual Library also included a listed of Jews who formerly served in the Obama administration. (see the link : john-friend.net/2013/10/jews-in-obama-administration.html ) --> When you consider the fact that 12 United States Senators and 22 Congressional Representatives, many of whom chair some of the most strategically important Congressional committees, are Jewish, that the various pro-Israel largely Jewish lobbying organizations (AIPAC, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, etc.) essentially dominate American politics and elections, and that 3 of the 9 United States Supreme Court Justices are Jewish, is it really a stretch to say that the United States federal government is largely controlled by a tiny, yet quite powerful, minority? And then consider the fact that the mass media and Hollywood are under the control and influence of Jewish financial and political interests, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve System are for all intents and purposes Jewish monopolies, and that Jews are extremely influential in academia and higher education. It is time for the American people to recognize the fact that an extremely hostile, alien elite is controlling their country, operating it for their own personal and tribal benefit at the expense of everyone else. * more resources : WHO OWNS OBAMA? : realjewnews/?p=319 - Swindlers List: Obamas Zionist Jews in Power : texemarrs/102009/zionist_jews_in_power.htm
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:54:36 +0000

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