OK, So Michele Sparrow tagged me in this game where you are given - TopicsExpress


OK, So Michele Sparrow tagged me in this game where you are given a number and then have to share that many facts about yourself that people may not know. Ive put this off for 2 weeks now, but here goes:) My number was 12! I hope yall enjoy a good laugh:) 1) Im the youngest of three girls and my family has never called me by my birth name Andrea. I was called honey baby until about age 5 because I was so darn cute and then they called me Andi (pronounced ON-D). I know right? 2) I didnt make kick line in high school because I could not do a hurky! We had to practice for try outs to the Madona song Vogue and to this day that song repulses me! 3) I LOVE animals and have a soft spot in my heart for children that have disabilities. I believe they are Gods angels and that the disabilities they are handed are actually gifts from above. This is why I love sharing photos of children with down syndrome on my wall. 4) I was a published fitness model a few years back and shot for several magazines. To this day I have the largest fitness magazine layout of a female non competitor. The magazine that featured me was called Muscular development. 5) Before being a fitness model I was a Pin up girl for mens magazines and used a pseudo name! I hid this for years from people but actually I am very proud of the lessons that those years brought me. 6) When I was growing up I had an imaginary friend named Bertha! Bertha came about after my sister Cassandra stopped allowing me to hang out with her and her friends:( I was lonely and Bertha was born! Bertha wore flannel shirts, had long brown hair and was VERY real! 7) My mother always hid the ketchup bottles when I was little because I would drink the ketchup straight up! I have not had ketchup in ten years! 8) I lost my beloved father at the age of ten in an accident. I always felt sad when I would see other little girls playing with their dads. As I became older I realized that my father has been with me all along
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:53:12 +0000

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