OK, so I watched all the Austin Powers movies, and after seeing - TopicsExpress


OK, so I watched all the Austin Powers movies, and after seeing how they ended three (You have to watch it again to be critical. Just how badly did they screw it up?) it looks unsaveable. Its not worth it, and if Austin were a SuperHero itd be relaunch time. Only trouble there is Mike Myers IS Austin Powers, and you cant really relaunch with the same crew. You could relaunch from the second or third movie though... Taking the second movie as true/canon, meaning yes it all really happened, itd be easy to rewrite a third movie that made sense. In the interest of being able to write a paper and suggest a new movie script for this Austin Powers 3B (or should that be 3A?) Id need to discuss a few ideas with a few people, but in general, its probably best as a movie script, written mostly for the exercise, and never actually filmed. Is Myers even up to it anymore? How many years ago was that? I originally undertook rewatching the Austin Powers to see at what point parody lost its value, and where it became parasitic. Austin Powers 1 is a knock off of James Bond and his super spy friends, but the second movie looks more at Austin Powers in his own world, with less of the same. The third movie mostly laughs at the first two, which is genuinely parodying parody. No body likes the SCARY MOVIE series, after they began spawning as many EPIC MOVIE and TEENAGE DATING MOVIE movies that they could, and I think its the same here. Considering that, is it best to only ever parody something once, and leave it? A parody character like Austin IS a joke, but based on something large, like James Bond. After that, if the viewers still show interest, suddenly theres a demand for proper substance from an unreal character. James Bond is unrealistic at the best of times, so to write a parody of something unreal and then needing to make that thing real isnt simple. Or, probably, easy. Think about Spaceballs, and Robin Hood Men in Tights. Theyre similar parodies (by that God, Mel Brooks) but he only ever made one, once, then got on with other stuff. If he hadve written Robin Hood 2 what could he have done? Or Spaceballs 2, would they follow a similar path to the Star Wars movies, Pizza the Hut Strikes back? and then Return of the Barf? Considering the different decades in which the movies were made, I think were mostly seeing how social pressure for something (more Austin) forced the continued existance of something that the creator wasnt ready to entertain or had even seriously contemplated. And because movies make so much money, based on content rather than quality, Austin Powers 2 was made and not as good as the first, but lukewarm enough to warrant a third attempt, in which the entire story and character arcs all get thrown out of whack (Dr Evil good, also brothers with Austin, while Scott Evil takes over as the head evil Doctor and Nigel Powers makes an earnest appearance). James Bond never got so deeply into complicated social/family issues, and thats where the Austin Powers exploration begins and rather ends. It starts to parody from other genres, when theres a deep family connection between the good and bad teams, ala Star Wars and Luke, I am your father. Although there was already a hint towards this kind of thing in Austin Powers 2 when they have the space station conflict towards the end. So in conclusion? To rewrite Austin Powers into something great isnt impossible, but you would have your work cut out for you. Youd need a list of everything incorrect/inconsistent with the first two movies, and then youd need to learn about time travel/extra dimensional stuff, as well as be such a succinct writer that you could have the characters explain everything on screen in a manner that the common movie goer (hurr hurrr, I like Austin!) could understand, as well as appreciate. Fat chance. The large picture solution is ignore the second movie maybe, definitely the third. You know, the same way everyone wanted to ignore the second and third Matrix movies, after we all realised it wasnt going to be as explosive or amazing as the first one was. Oh behave! - Austin Powers to his own movie scripts.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:14:57 +0000

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