Obama Makes RACIST anti-White/anti-Black Speech!! Perhaps it was - TopicsExpress


Obama Makes RACIST anti-White/anti-Black Speech!! Perhaps it was misreporting by the Drudge Report and other media or maybe it was a misunderstanding on my part so I’ve axed my original post here and replaced it with accurate facts. The Obama speech that I’m referring to herein is from a 2007 speech Obama made in the heat of the moment….apparently. In that speech he praised Rev Jeremiah Wright to high heaven and shouted that the “feds don’t care about New Orleans.” This information comes from THE DAILY CALLER and it comes complete with a video of Obama making these statements at: dailycaller/2012/10/02/obama-speech-jeremiah-wright-new-orleans The video was obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller and it shows 2007 candidate Obama speaking to an audience of Black ministers including Wright. In that video Obama tells the Black ministers that the federal government “shortchanged” New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina “because of racism.” The video and speech were made in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. He remarks that how, in his opinion, survivors of 9/11 and Hurrican Andrew got generous amounts of government aid while victims of Katrina didn’t and that the reason for that was because New Orleans had a majority Black population. Obama’s speech was nothing sort of racism! It was full of racial comments and charges and at times he appears so angry that he’s about to lose control. He rants for nearly 40 minutes in an accent he’s never shown in public. He describes America as a “racist, zero sum society, in which the WHITE MAJORITY profits by exploiting Black America.” If one didn’t know better one might think he/she was listening to Rev Al not-so-Sharpton. As The Daily Caller points out MSM reporters in the room seem to have missed the entire speech as they didn’t report on Obama’s clearly racist comments at the time to any real degree. Instead they spun it so he’d continue to look like the messiah come again! Hell they even created a FAKE TRANSCRIPT of the speech that was linked to by liberal blogger Andrew Sullivan. Alas it turned out NOT to be the truth at all but the transcript was an outright LIE. I guess the Obama people put that out after they considered that NON-Black America might not take Obama’s racial comments too well. In fact the DNC scrambled to bury this video and made sure it was never widely released to the public. Now it is out and, frankly, it shows the REAL BARACK OBAMA! Obama’s speech is filled with lies and wrong figures. The federal government pumped at least $110 BILLION into New Orleans after Katrina. After 9/11 they only pumped $20 billion into NYC. Further, Obama tries to make it sound like only WHITE PEOPLE died in 9/11 which is an outright LIE! Plenty of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and others will slaughtered in 9/11. But you see the intention of Obama’s speech was to inflame the races because what he wanted then and what he wants STILL TODAY are massive RACE RIOTS in this country. Why? Because such unrest would give him the perfect excuse to impose martial law and remain in power forever! This president is a RACE BAITER! He has tried everything he can to create racial violence and social class warfare! But it hasn’t worked. Why not? Because contrary to what this HALF BLACK and HALF WHITE president thinks Black America is not as stupid as he believes and neither is white, hispanic, or asian America! This is the biggest mistake Obama has made for his entire life. Hey Barry O! BLACK PEOPLE AREN’T STUPID!! In his little INSANE RACIST RANT Obama said he has solutions that involved a series of new federal programs to help Black America and the poor. Now here we are 4 years later and NONE of those programs exist even though the same Obama has been POTUS for the past 4 years. Wonder why? Because this president is FULL OF ABSOLUTE SHIT! He has no intention of helping anyone’s plight no matter what color they are! If he really wanted to help then he would have done so already and he would have done MORE than just passing out free cell phones!! But he hasn’t and his ACTIONS PROVE he’s just paying poor and Black America LIP SERVICE! Barack Obama doesn’t give one DAMN about the poor, Black America, or the middle class. The ONLY thing he cares about are his corporatist facist money men on Wall Street! Hey he can play the “black thing” all he wants but FACT is this joker is only 1/2 black and has NEVER experienced ANYTHING most blacks have like living in poverty so he doesn’t know the first thing about what it is to be FULLY BLACK in America today! He’s all smoke and mirrors. This guy is all about SHOW! Now what were Obama’s “new federal programs” that he spoke of wanting to put into place in 2007 as a candidate? Well the programs are nothing short of an absolute INSULT to EVERY black American! He envisions federal programs that would teach blacks how to get to work on time. Programs that would teach them “basic skills” whatever that means. Federal programs that would teach poor and black people how to shop and how to show up for work on time. And Obama envisioned federal programs that would teach poor and black Americans “how to wear the right clothes” and how to “act appropriately in an office.” WTF? Listening to Obama in 2007 one would think that he thinks poor and black Americans are real losers! It appears Obama doesn’t think poor and black Americans have the brains to wear the “right clothes.” And BTW just what are the “right” clothes anyhow? It would also appear from his comments that he thinks poor and black Americans don’t know how to shop, don’t know how to get to work on time, and certainly don’t know how to act “appropriately in an office.” In an office WTF? His comments were and still are INSULTING to all poor and black Americans! His comments reflect that he believes people are stupid. Sorry but I find that NOT to be true including among poor people and black America! MOST poor people and MOST black Americans are far from being stupid period and they sure as hell don’t need to be trained like dogs in the circus which is exactly what Obama suggested back in 2007! I can see why the Dems tried to bury this video and ensure it never saw the light of day. And they did that successfully for the past 4 years until The Daily Caller came along and dug it up from under that dirty old carpet. Now the REAL OBAMA is exposed for all to see including poor and black America! This “black” president clearly doesn’t give one damn about black America or anyone else! Every black American and, for that matter, every American period needs to ask Barack Hussein Obama, “What have you done for me lately?”. Truthfully this man has done NOTHING for any of us. And when it comes to black America? If he gives such a damn about black America then please tell me why black unemployment is higher today than it was in 2007. And please explain to me why the majority of foreclosed homes are BLACK American homes! Things have NOT improved for BLACK AMERICA under Obama. In FACT things have gotten much WORSE for black America under Barack Obama! You will notice in the video that it’s the SOS game. It’s the “Blame Whitey” game. Well that might have played well back in the 1960s when this country was filled with blatant racism but I don’t think it is flying anymore with most blacks. Like I said. Black Americans are NOT stupid! In fact most have already figured out that Barry O is a FRAUD. He’s full of fancy words and really really SHORT on delivery! Instead of helping to improve the plight of black America what he’s actually done over the past 4 years is to make the conditions of black America WORSE not better. He doesn’t care about black America. Like he said a few weeks ago, “I’m NOT the president of black America!”. He meant it and if you think he didn’t then you’ve got a big surprise coming. The sad fact is that over the course of the past 4 years Obama has BETRAYED the BLACK COMMUNITY in America! Surprised? I’m sure that Dr Martin Luther King (whom I admire greatly) is turning over in his grave at the sight of Barack Obama. MLK was not a racist. His message was for ALL America. He envisioned an America that was colorless. Barack Obama envisions an America that is overflowing with color. Perhaps Obama should study Dr King a bit and learn something of VALUE instead of the CRAP he learned from Saul Alinsky’s book and Frank Marshal Davis the commie! Dr King is far MORE an ICON to be emulated that are Alinsky or Davis! Dr King focused on UNITY. Obama focuses on DIVISION. Dr King was an inspiration and a REAL LEADER and STATESMAN. Barack Obama is a FOOL and amateur! He’s NOT a real leader and he comes nowhere near being the leader King was. After watching Barry O in his rant in this video a sadness came over me. A sadness for blacks in America and for whites, hispanics, asians, and all others. That sadness came from my feeling that Obama is just like watching smoke. He fads away because he is NOT what he tries to project himself to be. He doesn’t really care about the plight of blacks in this country or anyone else. The only people he cares about are the corrupt white collar criminals who donate millions to his campaign. He has no clue what it is to be poor. He has no clue what it is to encounter real racism. He has no clue what it is to live in the barrio or getto. He has no clue about anything, period. He’s all empty hype. But the sadest thing of all is this….. After Obama is gone from office either this January or 4 years from now Black America is going to be reminded of something they’ve encountered one too many times. It’s called DISAPPOINTMENT. And that disappointment will come when black Americans realize just what empty hype Obama was and just how little he really did for them and the black community. That’s sad. Really sad! Sad because so many times blacks have bee let down by their own leaders claiming to care about them but really not caring at all. And so I ask how much more of this SHIT are we all going to take? I want to know when America is going to see BEYOND skin color and start seeing PEOPLE instead! I want to know when America is going to start caring about ALL Americans instead of a chosen few who rule over us! I want to know when Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” is going to come TRUE! Ever? Never? One thing I do know is this. We despite our skin colors CANNOT and MUST NOT continue down this road we are presently one because it is the road to DISASTER and it doesn’t matter what any of our skin colors are as we are ALL going to pay a very HIGH price! Wake up America! This country is not about skin color. It’s about US…all of US! It’s about AMERICANS and we each have an obligation to our brother and sister no matter what! Don’t you get it yet? Obama sure as hell doesn’t! I want to end with this……………… There is nothing worse than sitting here watching this nation, this free nation, die. And that’s exactly what is happening right now. America is dying! This nation has never fully reached the summit of greatness. We’ve always fallen just short. But that doesn’t mean we can’t reach that summit. We can! But NOT this way. Not on this road. Not with racism of any kind. Not with hate of any kind. In order to reach that summit we have to do so TOGETHER as ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION….UNITED….not divided! Barack Obama is NOT a man who unites people. He’s a man and a president who DIVIDES people. Therefore, it is impossible for him to lead us to that summit. Barack Obama you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Buddy you OWE black America a big apology! And White America too! You’ve betrayed us all and sold us out. SHAME ON YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 07:15:32 +0000

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