Off the slope Psalm 55:21 (ERV) His words about peace are as - TopicsExpress


Off the slope Psalm 55:21 (ERV) His words about peace are as smooth as butter, but he has only war on his mind. His words are as slick as oil, but they cut like a knife. Meditation The ?slippery slope? is an argument which suggests once a law or attitude is set as a precedent, it will more easily be corrupted or abused. One example is deficit spending. Back before the Great Depression, deficit spending was almost unheard of in the United States unless there was a major war. Yet starting in the 1970s, government deficit spending exploded. Today, America?s national debt grows by the second and realistically will never be paid off. There are even worse slippery slopes, though: the deceitful, painful words described in today?s verse can bring unmentionable damage to a person?s heart and soul that can never be made up for. You know this if you?ve ever been on the receiving end of such words. If you?ve spoken lies to others, you also likely understand how hurtful your words were?and how they took away peace from that relationship. Choose your words carefully, and ask God for healing if you?ve been wounded by what someone has told you. Get off the slippery slope and rediscover peace of mind. Prayer God, please comfort the pain I feel from being lied to, and also bring restoration to those I?ve hurt through my careless words. Thank You for caring for us. Amen. BLI________________________________________________________________BLI
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:20:04 +0000

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