On Eagles Wings - Life Lesson Grace and Peace my dear sisters. It - TopicsExpress


On Eagles Wings - Life Lesson Grace and Peace my dear sisters. It is 11:24 PM and its quiet. The stillness of my surroundings finally gives me a clarity and openness to hear from God. Chaos and the busyness of life oftentimes speaks so loudly into my ear that the voice of the Lord is muted and my thoughts tend to overtake my mind and heart. You see, I cant hear that still small voice if everything is resounding in my ear and pulling me all over the place all at once. It is these quiet times that I cherish and far too often dont take advantage of. Even now, I can faintly feel my bed tugging at my weary body or perhaps it is my husband calling my name in the distance, but I choose to close my mind to their beckoning because I need to hear my Saviors voice. Speak to me Lord, Your servant is available and listening. A lovely saint recently pulled back the veil of her private and coveted thoughts to share with me her thoughts as she considered the span of her life and the emptiness that has found a place to rest within her because of her lack of an intimate relationship with another. This intimacy is not relegated exclusively to desire the closeness of a man, a women, or a child, but between two souls whose spirit has collided on a level where all blinders have been removed, all hearts laid bare, no stone left in place; a place where transparency is the norm, tears freely fall, sentences are completed, dreams shared, fears revealed, and true abiding love joins them as one. This love relationship is what our hearts long for because God created us to need each other. Sadly, far too few of us find this companion. She shared her heart about her desire to be fully free to be herself, unsheathed by pretentious pride. She just wanted someone to laugh with, to cry with, to confess to, to cherish and live life with. She wanted a true friend. I know youre saying, Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus... This is so true, but the kind she longed for was clothed in flesh and blood; flawed and all! She wanted someone like her; draped in humanity. Why had she been left alive all these years; nursing her wounded emotions alone? She knows her savior has always been there, but why hadnt He given her what she needed the most; a living and breathing person to share her life with. Ladies, I am not talking about needing a man to make your life complete. Although, the thought is quite appealing to many. I am talking about a friend! Whether male or female; a friend! She smiled as she remembered a time when her life had been touched by such love and acceptance, it was short lived and faded like a cloud on a spring day. How many of us can truly say that we have walked the steps of our lives with such a presence? I am not getting spiritual and deep because I am not referring to our Father in Heaven. I am talking about a true friend. Someone who is always there for us when we call. A person who walks through life with you as their confidant and sister. Who am I, Lord that you would bless me with such immense fortune to have this gift in my own life and not her. Why would You, Lord fill ones cup and leave ones empty? These are the questions of her longing heart. I present to you my sisters; the lonely. The person who you know that is always alone and doing things without others. You dont have to look far because they are right there. It is the one that you criticize with such contempt for her loneliness with comments such as these, Why doesnt she get a life. Why wont she find a date? Why does she travel alone? Why does she always want to go out with me? She needs to find some friends. Yup! Thats the one who has so carefully preserved her heart with the notion that she needs no one but herself. That is the one who fills her longings with solitude and isolation. We know who they are because they are the ones who we feel guilty about because we feel obligated to hang out with them because they seem lonely. I have got a spiritual secret to share with you. This is deep now..THEY ARE! They have learned to master their state of being alone! Forgive our indifference Lord. Forgive our disdain for those left here on this side of eternity all alone. Forgive our selfish hearts. Help us to open wide our hearts and lives to those who have no one but You. In Jesus Name I pray..AMEN! Night! Lovingly, Liza
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:05:02 +0000

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