Once again a bunch of people are jumping to conclusions and - TopicsExpress


Once again a bunch of people are jumping to conclusions and overreacting before all the facts are in. And the people who come out and demand strong actions to me are just trying to make names for themselves and dont really care about the actual situation. Earlier this summer a St. Louis city official who knows nothing about horses, acted way beyond her authority and called for an entire industry to be shut down. Ending a good business and putting people out of work. Then the tragic death of a young man is made way worse but people again acting without knowing (or even caring) what the facts are. Business were ruined, many thousands of dollars and several jobs lost and now they want to risk their lives and others by trying to shutdown an interstate during traffic. Hey I am all for standing up for what you believe in, but there are ways to do that that are actually productive. And again maybe you should wait for the facts, and not just the ones you want to believe. And then finally the NFL reacts by first suspending a player before getting all the facts, then embarrassed, has to regroup and finally when more details come up they look like a bunch of fools. But even more amazing are the public figures demanding resignations and team owners to sell the business that they OWN. Are you really concerned about stopping domestic violence are do they just want to see their name and face on the news. Cmon man! Lets bring some common sense back. Thank you for your time.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 05:09:45 +0000

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