Our Melech Mashyach Yeshua said, you will know a tree by its pri - TopicsExpress


Our Melech Mashyach Yeshua said, you will know a tree by its pri (fruit). Now, many may ask what this means. There are several things Yeshua is making note of here in this statement. During sukkos we bring an etrog as commanded in the Torah, why an etrog? The etrog is the only fruit that grows for the duration of roughly 5 years; or until the tree can no longer support its weight. The etrog constantly grows despite how hot it is, how cold it is, if there is a lot of rain or no rain, it doesnt matter this fruit constantly grows. This is also the model Yeshua was making note of when he spoke of the good fruit he was speaking of us being like that etrog and not seasonal in our growth but rather constantly moving forward. 2ndly, what builds good fruit? Of course there needs to be good soil adequate nutrients, enough rain etc. This is the job of the jewish community to help a Bnei Noach or a Ger HaTzadik. Is it simply through daas? Not necessarily. Science had proven that when positive sound waves through words of edification and calming music is played to trees and plants and shrubbery, they grow at a more rapid and consistent rate. When negative words or distorted music is played to the same plants, trees and shrubs they cease to grow or some even start dying. A person who bears good fruit is not required to be a Baal HaTorah, it helps but it isnt a requirement. For one who bears Tov Pri, is one who engages in hitbodedut and whom is a Baal Teshuva, who puts his emuna in Hashem to bring him tikkun. He is a ohr lgoyim through his chesed. - Rabbi Ehbed Bawnaw
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:15:34 +0000

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