PHISHING ALERT TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND CONTACTS. If you are using PayPal or you know someone who does and they get the following email dont do anything with it. Please check your accοunt, As we have noted the presence of some unusual activity in your accοunt at PayPαl. To help protect you, we have temporarily disabled your accοunt. Please make sure your accοunt infοrmation so that you can shop from PayPαl successfully. Cοnfirm your infοrmation now Note: Please confirm your accοunt to verify ownership of your infοrmation PayPαl . If you click on that Confirm your information now it redirects you to an exact duplicate of the PayPal Site. In fact it has the Login Screen and Password where they capture your password and then when you get logged on it asks you to ENTER your CREDIT CARD NUMBER and PARTICULARS. This got my suspicions up real quick because I have been a customer for several years because of the SECURITY of it when making payments for goods and services a lot of times on the internet. If they use PayPal I just forward the cost information to PayPal and they pay the Merchant or the Individual directly and I dont have to give them my card info. Just A WARNING TO ALL that may use it or know someone who does PLEASE let them know. I talked at great length to PayPal Security and they sent me a couple of real nice Thank You notes for forwarding the email and confirmed it is a fraud. Dave
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:05:05 +0000

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