Pathway to Peace Ministries Daily Bible Study: What Do The Dead - TopicsExpress


Pathway to Peace Ministries Daily Bible Study: What Do The Dead Know? Questions #1 and 2 Notes:Funerals can be very confusing because there are different doctrines taught on what happens to a person when he or she dies. The reality is that many well respected and sincere people are not clear on the subject of death, Biblically. The state of the dead is one of the most misunderstood subjects in our world today. For many, death invokes fear, misery, mystery and hopelessness. For others, they believe their dead love ones are not really dead but are living immortal lives in another place. Some believe that a person becomes a “spirit” when he/she dies. But, what does the Bible say about death? Is it really important for you and me to clearly understand the subject of death? This subject of death must be understood clearly in order to resist the deceptive wonders of the devil. We are going directly to the Word of God and let it answer questions about death, such as: Are the dead really dead? Does a person go to heaven when he/she dies? What happens when a person dies? By the end of this study, you will have a clear Biblical understanding on the subject of death. This Bible study will also reveal how Satan is trying to confuse many on the subject of death so he can deceive many people on other things in these last days. If the subject of death is not studied carefully and prayerfully you can easily be mislead. Let’s see what the Bible says about death. 1. In order to understand death we must understand how we were made and how life was given. Read ALL the following Bible text: Genesis 2:7 Notes: The Bible reveals that after God formed the human body of the first man created, Adam, He “breathed” or physically blew into the nostrils of Adam’s LIFELESS (no consciousness or awareness) body the “breath of life”. God is the Source of all living things. God gave man His life-giving “breath”. This breath that sparked life into Adam thousands of years ago still continues from person to person today. The Biblical formula for our existence is body (made from dust) + breath (from God) = a living soul or life. In the original Hebrew of Genesis 2:7 a “soul” is a “breathing creature.” It is clear that a soul is a living person, consciously aware and breathing that was given to him by God. So if the body or breath is subtracted from the Biblical formula there is no soul or life. Imagine the light of a light bulb representing life, now if the electricity is cut off from the light bulb the light will cease to exist. The same is true with human life, when the breath is taken from the body, the living soul, ceases to exist. Let’s go deeper into our study to get a better Biblical understanding of this. 2. Does the Bible give us evidence that souls die? Read ALL the following Bible texts: Ezekiel 18:20; 1 Timothy 6:15, 16 Notes:Remember that a soul is simply, according to the Bible, a living person with vitality and consciousness that is breathing with the breath that was given to Adam by God Himself. It is not a conscious invisible spirit that floats in space unable to die. First Timothy 6:15, 16 says that only God is immortal, not subject to death. “Immortality” means “deathlessness” or “not subject to die.”
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:05:06 +0000

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