Pius X that he loved the music, for which he had a natural talent, - TopicsExpress


Pius X that he loved the music, for which he had a natural talent, you can not put in doubt. Hes having, during his active life as a priest, found a way to learn about and purchase the technicality of art, justifies the conclusion that nature was very large with him since we know how the duties of his pastoral ministry could not allow him to cultivate his taste. Few understand, I think, as is often great sacrifice for a priest to deprive yourself of the pleasure to hear really good music. I am sure that the Holy Father had to feel deeply such a deprivation, although he probably never have thought of this deprivation rather than to other things, to whom he had willingly given up on entering the service of the Divine Master. Music in bad taste and boring He undoubtedly had heard in church and out of church, wherever he lived. Hence it is no wonder that, despite this, he retains a very exquisite taste and has nurtured a special preference for a better way of composition music, both sacred and profane is. I remember how hard he gioisse, listening to the great oratory of Perosi The Last Judgement, that his desire was carried out under the personal direction of the illustrious Master in the Sala Regia. Surprised nelludirlo comment on the inspired interpretation of scriptural texts, the richness of the orchestral parts, without failing to bring out the qualities or deficiencies that he had noticed here and there, both in composition than in the same performers, and felt even more pleasure hearing the glorious Gregorian chant during the Solemn Pontifical Mass in St. Peter that he sang for the Centenary of the great St. Gregory. many still remember with emotion that memorable day. It would not be in harmony with the purpose that I intended to write these my memories if I told you here at length the assiduous attentions of Pius X to bring sacred music to its best traditions and spirit of the Catholic Church On the other hand it would be superfluous since its criteria and its instructions in this regard are widely known and much has been written to illustrate its importance. But I can not omit to mention his ideas and his address in this field, as is made to me personally. In this respect, as in others, the ideal of his life inspired his opinions and he drove his activities. He appreciated good music in general; but, of course, sacred music interested him much more. insisted it was truly sacred and eminently artistic in full accord with the Churchs liturgy and with the genuine expression of feelings inspired by Faith. He believed the purpose of sacred music foment devotion. Several times, without wanting to question the innate beauty of some music, said that it was out of place, because instead of raising the soul to the Lord, as a means to help and prayer took too much importance and it was clear the secondary character who had to have, as an element that must lead to the supreme goal of worship: to elevate the minds and hearts to God. He was fully convinced of the principle that if the music has to pay a tribute of praise to God, can not be of poor quality, but we need to produce the best. On the other hand he was aware that in order to obtain a successful reform in church music were not enough purely disciplinary measures, as strict. It s impossible to impose on people liking a certain style when it can not be understood or appreciated, but it was necessary to gradually cultivate the good taste to achieve positive and lasting results. These were the views of the Holy Father that he often demonstrated in front of me. Yet Pius X did not have any smallness of spirit into consideration that he had on sacred music that he considered acceptable. Absolutely not refuse national or local traditions, many of which are admired frankly, provided always was - he said - scrupulously observed the fundamental principle of maintaining the religious and artistic and, when necessary, appropriate adaptations. Neither wanted to ban polyphonic music in the church. In fact, He graciously welcomed the good quality works by modern composers, but insisted that they were strictly maintained the decrees that were prescribed and, if possible, an emanation or an echo of plainchant. I remember how He observed that some fanatical reformers wanted to banish from our churches all the music that was not merely the Gregorian; but argued that this was a whim exaggeration: It would be the same as if I said rigettassi the most beautiful paintings and classic Madonna with the pretext that the only acceptable model was the most ancient and primitive reproduction of the Virgin Mother, as we see in the Catacombs Santa Priscilla. We would be conducted so as to prohibit the masterpieces of ecclesiastical and paintings really inspired. Uninitiated We do not want pictures of the Madonna, nor the productions, anything but devout, many modern artists; but it would be unreasonable to say that only the primitive paintings meet the conditions required by Religion and by a healthy artistic beauty. The same is true of Sacred Music. One of his most fervent wish was to promote the song collective as far as possible, because he thought he was very instructive for the faithful of every social class and an effective means of arousing a devout interest in the beauty of the Sacred Liturgy, especially in relation the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In this regard loved detect the results achieved in the parishes where the people had been taught to sing plainchant carefully in the various parts of the Mass, the Psalms and hymns for Vespers of Sunday. Often expressed the regret that you do not give more importance to a practice that would help the faithful to understand and to feel deeply the meaning of Catholic worship and which, when applied broadly, would have encouraged many to the knowledge and the fulfillment of their religious duties. A practical method to achieve this goal, it seemed to him that he was to lead to good teachers in every parish church music, which were approved by the Bishop, to form a core of singers - chosen from among the members of the parish - which, in turn, elevassero other ; every so often, these teachers would have to return to perfect the work begun and give a boost to new progress. When the new musical compositions were presented for approval, he examined it carefully the score, and, more than once, in my presence humming the melody that he read at first sight with ease, beating time with the hand as he read, then giving his opinion about the merit and style of music. Many of those who heard him sing the Mass in St. Peters or intone the solemn Blessing in the Sistine Chapel, certainly reminiscent of his voice soft and melodious. Testo preso da: August 2013 cantualeantonianum/2013_08_01_archive.html#ixzz39eUq69dT cantualeantonianum
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:05:25 +0000

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