Putting the Fox in Charge of the Hen House... Dear - TopicsExpress


Putting the Fox in Charge of the Hen House... Dear Friends, It seems to me, putting people in charge of protecting something they despise, is not such a good idea if you want that thing to survive. A sane person wouldnt put Hamas in charge of Israels defense, a rational parent wouldnt put John Wayne Gacy in charge of his or her childs birthday party and no one in their right mind would make Don Corleone the Attorney General. According to a news story I just read all of the appeals courts in the US are now run by a majority of Democrat appointees. This wouldnt be bad if the democrat party had not been hijacked by outright socialists, progressives, but it has, and that means people who despise everything our Constitution stands for, are in charge of protecting it. Control of our Constitution is the reason democrats filibustered Bush appointees. A move that at the time was unheard of. Once the progressives got their man in however they put an end to filibustering appointees. When republicans considered eliminating the filibuster it was called “the Nuclear option” by the unbiased media. When democrats pushed the nuclear button the unbiased new class media cheered them on. Now progressive democrats have filled all the vacancies Bush couldnt along with those that have opened since Obama came to power. Progressive philosophy is essentially the same as Marxist, the only real difference is the progressives eschew the violent revolution part of Marxist theory in favor of “progressing” us to full socialism. To achieve their end, a total state where people are the property of the state, the only thing that is off the table is outright revolution. They shun revolution, not because they are peaceful, but because they dont believe revolution is the best way of getting there. That is why whenever a progressive is asked what is the difference between Marxism and Progressivism, the progressive laughs derisively and refuses to answer. The difference between national socialism and progressivism/Marxism is the national versus their international nature. The Marxist/progressive believes in world communism, where everyone on the planet lives in their Utopian vision, whereas the national socialist seeks to enslave their own nation to the yoke of communism. The end of both are the same but one wants socialism for their country only and the other seeks it for the entire world. That explains why they hate each other so. They must draw from the same limited pool of people and so are in direct conflict for those potential enlistees. In order to progress the world to communism the progressive only stops at violent revolution, not at violence. History shows that progressive will lie, cheat, destroy innocent people, undermine societal wealth, and harmony. They will do anything no matter how heinous, that progresses us to their goal. Since they are at heart atheists, and as such have no worry about eternal consequences, there is no limit to their actions. One thing stands in the way of the progressive vision of a united world under communism... the United States. More specifically, the US Constitution. That document is a stumbling block to them. The US Constitution has provided the United States with the most long lasting republic since Rome, it has resulted in the most prosperous society the world has ever known, most of the industrial revolutions advances are the direct result of US patent law... that is only possible under the US form of government, people still live in liberty even after over two hundred years of one government, and all of these goods are directly opposed to the progressive agenda. Progressives learned over a century ago that they need not change the words of our Constitution to undermine its effectiveness, all they need do is change the meaning of the words, and it is the court system that interprets the words. Freedom of religion is now separation of church and state, shall not be infringed means limited rights, interstate commerce now means government can regulate anything you do in your own home and on your own land, but their diabolical attacks dont end there. Progressives now seek to change the freedom of speech to freedom of government approved speech. Both the Republican and democrat parties are controlled by progressives. The democrat party is totally in the hands of progressives and the republican partys top echelon are uniformly progressive. That is why Tea party candidates come under the heaviest fire from republicans. The republican elite dont believe in limited government, their rhetoric is only a means of tricking people into thinking there are two choices, when there is only one... progressive. The judicial system is the final protector of our Constitution. Most of the heavy lifting is in the Appellate courts. They hear the majority of cases and rule on their constitutionality. Since there are no negative consequences if they actively seek to undermine our Constitution, once a progressive gets that lifetime appointment, he or she can engage in all sorts of mischief. Now that most of the judges on the appeals court are progressive democrats mixed with many progressive republican appointees, the change will come faster and faster. Yup, now that progressives are in charge of protecting Our Constitution, a constitution they despise with every fiber of their being, limited government will soon be history. World communism is the next goal. Sincerely, John Pepin
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:13:12 +0000

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