Qubool Hai 27 August 2014 Written Updates Scene 1: Area: - TopicsExpress


Qubool Hai 27 August 2014 Written Updates Scene 1: Area: Rahat’s living arrangement Tanveer advises sanam that she needs to go because of some vital work, and trains ahil to come soon with sanam. Sanam offers to take her out, while tanveer says that she can see herself out. tanveer starts to leave and believes that she as of now did what she needed to do, and dilshad must have kicked the bucket at this point. Sanam asks haya to take dilshad’s gifts, while haya is still in a trance. Tanveer feels that haya can go all she needs, however dilshad wont have the capacity to favor them. faiz likewise needs to go, and sanam takes him along as well. Ahil stands blue. Faiz welcomes ahil as well, while sanam is tensed of his response. Sanam asks faiz to go along and surge. Faiz says that he cant say no to her, and consents to her wish. the trio leave, deserting ahil, who at last not able to control himself, says that he excessively should come to meet dilshad. Sanam is stunned however grins quietly by the by. She thinks once more at him tensedly, and he goes along with them as well. Faiz gives ahil’s hand in sanam’s while they eye one another unadroitly. haya is distressed as faiz holds her hand, saying that affection never diminishes by this motion. Haya is tensed to hear this. she begins tailing him mutely, her turn in his, as she recalls that her closeness with rahat. sanam and ahil excessively walk as an inseparable unit, as they both recollect their warmed arguements, yet loving this new vicinity. At last, they both let the other’s hand go. As they achieve dilshad’s room, they discover gas which ahil distinguishes to be harmful, and asks faiz to get help. Ahil dismisses them, while sanam is super tensed for dilshad, yet ahil requests that her stand still and have confidence on her. He gets inside, while sanam and haya are stunned. As ahil goes through the murkiness of gas, he discovers dilshad lying oblivious on the floor, and is stunned. he races to her, and starts to check her beat, and finds that the gas is expanding. He chooses to take her out, and conveys her in his arms, and asks sanam to open the entryway. she consents, and they take her out, and hurry her down, while the room is loaded with gas. Ahil guarantees her that dilshad should be okay,. while he himself goes to reconnoiter the gas. sanam stops him. Ahil says that the noxious gas can top off in the whole house, and must be halted. he approaches her not to trouble for him. he approaches her not to stress for him, as he might be alright. while she is tensed, he races to the room. Sanam goes to dilshad. ahil goes into the room, and tries to discover the wellspring of the gas. Then faiz accompanies the specialist first floor. At last, ahil discovers the can, and he dunks it in water. Sanam hears a blast, and is stunned. she shouts out ahil’s name, and goes into dilshad’s room, loaded with gas, and is stunned. She discovers ahil turning out in a stupor, blood splattered all over him, as he succumbs in her arms, while she is stunned. Scene 2: Area: Jewelry shop Seher guises herself as a rich english lady, and goes to the same adornments shop, where she had sold the gems, with much show and state of mind, professing to be the Princess of Baluchistan, and adoring india and its society. The holder views himself as fortunate, while she begins saying that she desired the marriage of her more youthful sister, and needs to blessing her something extravagant and uncommon, and includes that she imagines that she wont discover it in his little shop. the holder gets into an offer to satisfy her, and goes to get the things. She requests for a glass of water, from the security individual, and he turns around to provide for it. She infuses him into obviousness. She begins taking everything, and the gem dealer catches her in the act, and as sehere makes a frantic dash with the money and gems, the goldsmith presses the alert catch, and the security watchmen pursue her, on the manager’s directions. Out and about, razia is request seher from the individuals, when seher begins running towards her. While running, seher impacts into razia, and razia lashes out at her. Seher turns around, and in an attack of annoyance, tosses the fake wig at razia, and she is stunned to discover seher. She then runs off, with the security after her. razia recognizes her as seher, and is delighted that she has transformed into a hoodlum, and that now that she realizes that seher is alive, she would discover him at any expense. Simply then, ahil’s rescue vehicle wheezes past headed to the doctor’s facility. Scene 3: Area: In the doctor’s facility Sanam shouts at ahil to return to faculties, as he is carried on the stretcher. she is troubled when he doesnt react. the medical caretaker disallow her from impending any further so they can start their treatment. As ahil continues slipping lock stock and done with obviousness, sanam continues guaranteeing him, his hand in hers, that she wont let anything befall him. as he measurements off, sanam is tensed. He is taken outside, while sanam stands tensed, viewing him being taken away. While running, seher excessively comes inside the healing facility, with the security protects at her to discover her. She ducks without a moment to spare, to sidestep them. She starts to play find the stowaway with the watchmen, wearing a tolerant’s dress. in the mean time, haya is going to black out, when faiz requests that her pull it together. Sanam requests that her go home, however haya declines to take off. Sanam says that she is here for her, and the specialist wont permit much individuals around dilshad. haya requests that her go rather and she offers to stay once more. sanam takes a gander at faiz, and he asks haya to agree to sanam’s wishes, who guarantees that she would give an upgrade by calling her. At last haya and faiz take off. Rehaan and tanveer come in asking how this happened. sanam says that she feels there was a thought process in homicide taking a gander at dilshad’s condition. Sanam is certain, while tanveer asks her not to think so. Sanam advises about ahil to tanveer, that he basic and extremely injured, and had massive blood misfortune. Tanveer is stunned, rehaan is distressed. tanveer is baffled that dilshad didnt kick the bucket, and is tensed that if ahil bites the dust, she would be in a bad position. the screen solidifies on tanveer’s Incoming search terms:
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 05:47:00 +0000

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