REMEMBER HOW THE NEW WORLD ORDER WAS JUST A CONSPIRACY THEORY? WELL GUESS WHAT, A ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP IS NEARLY HERE!! PLEASE READ ON!!! Albert Pike, a well-known Freemason, wrote in a letter dated August 15, 1871, that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order. Here are extracts of the letter, showing how Three World Wars have been planned for many generations: The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the elite to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the agentur (agents) of the elite between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm. After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China. (Readers who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the elite invented both these movements. In addition, Communism as an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution. In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out. Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau - as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.) THE THIRD WORLD WAR...ABOUT TO BEGIN!!! The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agentur of the elite between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (ISIS) (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. The resolution of this conflict will be a World Order - One World Government! _____________________________________________ ______________ ***** ARTICLES ABOUT WAR WITH ISLAM FROM THE LAST 2 DAYS ***** White House declares America IS AT WAR WITH ISIS 24 hours after John Kerry denied it: IT-S-WAR-White-House-confirms-U-S-war-ISIS-Sec retary-State-denied-yesterday.html John Kerry heads to Egypt as US builds coalition for WAR AGAINST ISIS: theguardian/world/2014/sep/13/ kerry-egypt-white-house-coalition-isis Obama and Kerry appeal for international SUPPORT AGAINST ISIS: theguardian/world/2014/sep/13/ kerry-egypt-critical-player-coalition-against-isis US AT WAR WITH ISIS: White House and Pentagon upgrade ‘Al-Qaeda style’ op: rt/usa/187512-us-war-isis-iran/ Obama administration confirms ISIS CONFLICT IS WAR: nypost/2014/09/13/obama-administra tion-confirms-isis-conflict-is-war/ Tony Abbott: Australia to send military force TO FIGHT ISIS: theguardian/world/2014/sep/14/ tony-abbott-australia-military-force-fight-isis-death- cult _____________________________________________ ______________ ***** CALLS FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER FROM THE LAST 2 WEEKS!! ***** Asian Troika Call for New World Order newindianexpress/cities/chennai/ Asian-Troika-Call-for-New-World-Order/2014/09/14/ article2430434.ece Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order books/11092958/Henry-Kissingers-World-Order-re view.html UK, EU, and Nato - all in need of a new world order? theguardian/world/defence-and- security-blog/2014/sep/02/nato-isis Iran Supreme Leader: Prepare for the ‘New World Order’ freebeacon/national-security/iran- supreme-leader-prepare-for-the-new-world-order/ US uses NATO for creating New World Order us-uses-nato-for-new-world-order/ How peaches and propaganda are helping to shape the new world order theguardian/commentisfree/2014/ aug/17/peaches-propaganda-helping-shape-new- world-order-paul-mason _____________________________________________ ______________ ***** QUOTES ON THE NEW WORLD ORDER BY BANKERS, PRESIDENTS, POLITICIANS, AND MORE!!! ***** “The ‘affirmative task’ before us is to “create a New World Order.” – VP Joe Biden, speech Import Export Bank, April 5, 2013 “We will succeed in the Gulf. And when we do, the world community will have sent an enduring warning to any dictator or despot, present or future, who contemplates outlaw aggression. The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fufill the long-held promise of a new world order – where brutality will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance.” – President George HW Bush, State of the Union Address 1991 “The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, incredibly evil in intent.” –Rep. Larry P. MacDonald, killed in Korean Air Lines 007, 1983 “Each of us has the hope to build a New World Order.” –President Richard Nixon, Hangzhou, China, February 1972 “We are moving toward a new world order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.” –Mikhail Gorbachev, 1987 “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” –Strobe Talbot, Deputy Secretary of State, TIME, July l992 “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” –David Rockefeller, Banker “We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a New World Order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, rules all nations. When we are successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping forces to fulfill the promise and vision of its founders.” –George H.W. Bush, March 21, 1991 “One of the least understood strategies of the world revolution now moving rapidly toward its goal is the use of mind control as a major means of obtaining the consent of the people who will be subjects of the New World Order.” –K.M. Heaton, National Educator “Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” –Dr. Henry Kissinger, Evians, France, 1991 “The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it?” –H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939 “We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” –Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., historian, special assistant to John F. Kennedy “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by consent or conquest.” –James Paul Warburg [son of Paul Warburg, the author of the Federal Reserve Act] February 7, 1950 “In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old- fashioned frontal assault.” –Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organisations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote this in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s(CFR) journal Foreign Affairs(pg. 558) “Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.” –Senator William Jenner, 1954 “The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth – in Morocco – to the World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.” Government of Morocco, advertisement, New York Times, April 1994 “The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, ‘urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.” –Nelson Rockefeller, New York Times, February 1962 “The United Nations,” he told an audience at Harvard University, “has not been able–nor can it be able–to shape a New World Order which events so compellingly demand.” –Nelson Rockefeller, unelected VP of the USA “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” –David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991 “Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it.” –H.G. Wells, The New World Order, 1939 “The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions.” –Dr. Henry Kissinger, World Action Council, April 19, 1994 “By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations… a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of survival. One world government is inevitable.” –Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) “All of us will ultimately be judged on the effort we have contributed to building a NEW WORLD ORDER.” –Robert Kennedy, presidential candidate and US Attorney General, 1967 “The old world order changed when this war-storm broke. The old international order passed away as suddenly, as unexpectedly, and as completely as if it had been wiped out by a gigantic flood, by a great tempest, or by a volcanic eruption. The old world order died with the setting of that day’s sun and a new world order is being born while I speak, with birth-pangs so terrible that it seems almost incredible that life could come out of such fearful suffering and such overwhelming sorrow.” –Nicholas Murray Butler, Union League of Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1915 “The term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today Internationalis m is heralded from pulpit and platform as a ‘League of Nations’ or a ‘Federated Union’ to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the ‘New International Order,’ ‘The New World Order,’ ‘World Union Now,’ ‘World Commonwealth of Nations,’ ‘World Community,’ etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual.” –A Memorial to be Addressed to the House of Bishops and the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the Protestant Episcopal Church in General Convention, October 1940 The renewal of the nonproliferation treaty was described as important “for the welfare of the whole world and the new world order.” –Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian president, New York Times, April 1995 “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax exempt foundation (i.e. Rockefeller), and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass communication media, that it should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the US Constitution and our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation’s right-to-know machinery, the news media; usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the US from a sovereign Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship.” – Rep. John R. Rarick (D-LA) “We can see beyond the present shadows of war in the Middle East to a new world order where the strong work together to deter and stop aggression. This was precisely Franklin Roosevelt’s and Winston Churchill’s vision for peace for the post-war period.” –Richard Gephardt, Dem. presidential candidate, Wall Street Journal, September 1990 ”Let us fashion together a new world order.” –Dr. Henry Kissinger, address to UN General Assembly, October 1975 “Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.” –David Rockefeller, Memoirs. “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.” –G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization “Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order, to efficiency of operation, to scientific advancement and the like.” –William O. Douglas U. S. Supreme Court Justice “We have undertaken a new order of things; yet we progress to it under the framework and in the spirit and intent of the American Constitution. We have proceeded throughout the Nation a measurable distance on the road toward this new order.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt, 2nd State of the Union address
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 08:21:05 +0000

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