Regarding all of these anti greyhound racing debates.. I dont get - TopicsExpress


Regarding all of these anti greyhound racing debates.. I dont get it. I get that there are awful people out there, but I also respect that there are wonderful people out there who dearly love and care for these animals. Those who support the industry support it because we are working towards a brighter and safer future. If we sat back and dwelled on everything in history and didnt work towards making the world a better place, we wouldnt be proactive, would we? We would never progress. Greyhounds run because they love to run. Its what theyre bred to do. Weve seen so many hounds come up whove never races because they just didnt have the drive to do it. That seems responsible to me. Personally Id rather them chase a glorified Swiffer duster around a track for 30 seconds than out hunting like the galgos in Spain. You want to support a true rescue? Support them. THEY need the change. I support my retired racer and my rescued galgo. Their demeanors speak to their true pasts. Greyhounds are a working dog. Like race horses. Like show jumping horses. Like dressage horses. Does it make me an awful person because I PAY to be on the back of a horse? If we go a step further, what about SAR dogs and the conditions they work in? What about service dogs who are out walking in 35 degree weather, unprotected, in the summer months? Those animals are working to help humankind and have partnerships with their people that provide a greater good. We would never debate that. Greyhound racing, in and of itself, is harmless. They love it and its clear in their goofy little bodies during the races. They race 3 times a week maximum for 30 seconds. They have countless play hours at their kennels, with the best diets, the best handlers, and then retire to the best homes. I can only speak for the kennels and tracks I know of, of course. But they exist. And we cannot deny that. I choose to support them because I choose to support the future, not the past. Furthermore, I intend to put Harold through the Therapy Dog program so that he can bring joy to others in his community. I intend to put my firecracker galgo Terrance into agility someday to positively redirect his energy. Are these cruel? Because I will be making them work? Because Terrance will be putting in countless hours of work and physically demanding training? Is our adoption organization cruel because of our kennel facilities? Is the SPCA cruel because they kennel and cage their animals? You have to look at all sides. #RacingPROud
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 13:05:30 +0000

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