Rising in Love with Omkar By Osho Shailendra. LOVE FOR THE FORM - TopicsExpress


Rising in Love with Omkar By Osho Shailendra. LOVE FOR THE FORM AND THE APPEARANCE INVOLVES IN THIS WORLD. BUT IT’S NOT POSSIBLE TO LOVE FORMLESS AND NOTHINGNESS. SO FOR THOSE WHO ARE THE SEEKERS OF THE PATH OF PRAYER TO THE FORM - WORSHIP OF THE DIETY, GOING TO TEMPLES AND PILGRIMAGES AND OTHER RITUALS. THOSE SEARCHING FOR THE FORMLESS BECOME MENDICANTS, LIFELESS, DRY AND MOROSE, WITHOUT ANY CELEBRATION. WHAT IS THE RIGHT WAY OF RELIGION WHERE THERE IS LOVE AND CELEBRATION BOTH? These are two extremes – one of form, the other of formless; one gross the other subtle. Those who got stuck with the form remained deity worshippers. The others who were seeking formless became loveless and without any celebration. They became devoid of any juice in life. You should avoid both the extremes and right in between these two, is the third way, and that is subtle form. Neither formless nor form but subtle form. It’s the Sound of Omkar, the Divine Light. It’s neither gross nor totally nothingness (SHUNYA). It’s filling. It’s full of Divine Light. One is experiencing divine fragrance. It’s full of divine ecstasy. The Sound of Omkar is resonating inside. These subtle traits are neither forms nor totally nothingness (SHUNYA). The seekers of Shunya, nothingness will be lost. They will become dry and pathetic. This kind of search cannot continue. Those who are stuck in the love of the form – whether this worldly or divine- will eventually be in this worldly love. Thus, some who love the form, will be stuck in the love of the deities and the others who are seekers of SHUNYA, nothingness, they will themselves become heartless deities of stone. Their heart will become dry. I want things to be right in the middle. You have asked for the right path. The right path is the search for the subtle in life. From the sound move towards the subtle Sound, the soundless sound. I don’t teach you how to become thoughtless, I teach you how to see the Inner Light. You forget about SHUNYA. That has led so many people astray. They reached nowhere. You look for subtler things. What is that subtle light, subtle taste inside you? The same way there is subtle love. There is one love, which is of the form, appearance. Active love is always for the form. Don’t get trapped in that kind of love. And you don’t have to become loveless either. Then you will miss the juice in life. Fall in love with subtle. I am teaching you the middle path. Let love become subtler. Prem Samadhi program is the journey towards this subtle Love. ------- Osho Shailendra
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 08:19:39 +0000

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