(SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN IS A METAPHOR FOR ITSELF. The fanbase are the humans. The Survey Corps are the manga readers. They know more about the future of the series, can withstand more pain, and are the strongest, best equipped among us. We believe in the fandom because their dedication will remain strong and we will all reach the end of this war together. The Garrison are the fanartists. They keep us emotionally equipped, giving us both hope and pain so we grow stronger and feel supported as we take on more and more episodes. They are the ammunition behind the fandom, keeping everything ready and waiting to blow up in our faces until we’re in too deep to back out. The Military Police are the cosplayers. They work hard to keep the fandom diverse and full of life, urging us on to keep watching/reading because how can you walk away from a fandom like this one. They protect the heart of the fandom by bringing it into the real world and adding a third dimension. They’re work assembling costumes is largely behind the scenes, but their effect on the fandom is clearly visible and necessary. The Titans are the episodes and chapters. They’re always coming up with new ways to destroy us, new tactics and techniques to destroy our souls and make us give and give up on the survival of humanity (leave the fandom). Each is mysterious and full of painful surprises. Humans band together to take them down, defeat them and live on to see the next, each time one step closer to making ours the winning side. The walls are the fandom’s strength and feelings. We venture beyond our comfort zone and into the dangerous world of new and numerous Titans (episodes and chapters), hoping to one day conquer the enemy and live peacefully, surrounded by what’s left our humanity (our feelings). Some of us will not make it back. We learn to trust and rely on one another, our fellow fighters, although sometimes those bonds on hurt us further when they are taken down (collapse into sobbing heaps on tumblr and make us more depressed). Stories of those taken down are brought back in whispered tones and desperate screams within the walls, and we mourn them as we go. However, they cannot distract us from our mission. We must continue to break out of these comfortable walls, before they collapse down around us under the rule of the titans. Can you see it now? A Titan broke through Wall Maria. We didn’t see it coming, and it was much stronger than we could have anticipated. Many didn’t survive. An episode/chapter was introduced. We didn’t expect how painful it was, or the affect it would come to have. Many couldn’t watch beyond that. Humans mobilized, declared war, and thousands trained to fight back, to save the future of our race. The fandom banded together, became determined to make it through this series, once and for all, whatever it takes. We must, if we wish to live comfortably in our world of normal fluffly anime feelings again. If we don’t, the tragedy, the looming pain that is its existence (and the idea that we’re missing out on this incredible series) will destroy us. We developed battle plans and split in to different factions of military. We created tumblr blogs and decided this entire fandom should be ridiculous if we are to survive. The different types of fans developed (see first header). A journey beyond the walls was planned and initiated. We watch with increasing dedication and eagerness, exploding out of our emotional safety, thirsty for victory to sooth our throats which are raw from sobbing, and our eyes form crying, and from watching at all. Is each life lost to this battle a life lost in vain? Only to the degree that each fan who becomes obsessed and anti-social because of this fandom is potential thrown away. We did not choose this life. This life chose us. We did not choose this fandom. This fandom chose us. *SNK-style salute*Stay strong, my fellow humans.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 05:07:21 +0000

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