SINCE I AM BEING CENSORED LIKE NEVER BEFORE - There are many folk who simply refuse to believe election fraud could ever occur in great countries like the US & UK. Its as if such skulduggery is limited to third world dictatorships like Zimbabwe. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not surprisingly a few people concluded I must be gullible or dumb to think such a thing. My hot-head unfortunately ejected them from the ball-game! What annoyed me though, their only argument to all the evidence I presented by video, the fact Cameron, the perfect Zionist puppet would have nowhere to go, record turnouts simply did not occur when the outcomes more of the same, along with several other reasons, I was merely told I was wrong, while others said I was gullible & dumb! No one contradicting my view addressed any of the points I raised. Thats why yesterday I posted a caption of ELVIS which said people think you are crazy if you talk about things they dont understand! The king, as per usual, was bang on the money! Look at what happened to RON PAUL! He was the overwhelming favorite of the American people but the the Zionists who control both US politics & the entire corporate media had other ideas. You see the policies we see today, where effectively US money & fire-power is being used to destroy every nation Israel wants to see destroyed, is a direct result of voter fraud on a scale so colossal, it could only have been successful if the entire Zionist corporate media was not just complicit but a major player in the proceedings. If I had to pick out seven Zionist qualities, these would be top of the list - LIARS, CHEATERS, DECEIVERS, COMMITTED, HEARTLESS, EVIL & RUTHLESS! This poll (caption) precisely reflected the feelings of the American people. Had the GOP elections been fair RON PAUL would have won by a landslide that would have made a Pyroclastic flow look like a gentle breeze! The man who beat him Mitt Romney was a two-bit nobody, good at only three things - lying, chiseling money & above all, the willingness to become a perfect puppet! Independent polls stated RP would have slaughtered Obama! The Zionists know this! I guarantee - theyre laughing at you! Three years ago I predicted there would be massive voter fraud courtesy of the Zionists. RP would be robbed so that Israel would continue to exploit the US tax payer. I said the same Zionist bribery & coercion would occur for the Scottish vote for independence! Why else would the media be so biased - TO HELP THE OUTER MONGOLIANS? The same will occur in order to keep our PM David Cameron as leader of the UK, after all, tell me whos been convicted for pushing us into what many of us now regard an illegal war in Iraq, a war most of us were against from the very beginning & one thats cost the UK tax-payer £9 BILLION SO FAR.......ALL FOR THE SAKE OF ISRAEL! Has anyone been convicted for lying so a country that only ever attacked Iran & Kuwait, thanks to a lunatic leader installed by the US & UK, Saddam Hussein, would be totally & utterly destroyed? YES. ACTUALLY, THEY HAVE! Tony Blair & GW Bush were convicted by the MALAYSIAN HIGH COURT, who also arrived at the obvious conclusion Israel was a pariah state that had committed war crimes! End result - MALAYSIAN PASSENGER PLANES STARTED FALLING OUT OF THE SKY!.......... TO ALL YOU MORONS OUT THERE - The odds that in the space of 12 months, two air crashes would remain completely unresolved is positively astronomical! Its like winning the lottery not once but TWICE, BACK TO BACK! But then the odds that both of these passenger planes WOULD BE FROM THE SAME COUNTRY? ....... the one country that just happened to be brave enough to speak the truth about these evil war criminals & the brutal Israeli Apartheid state? You dare to call me me dumb & gullible? What in the blazes does it take for people to snap out of this hypnotic idiocy, where as soon as someone connects all the dots YOU IMMEDIATELY STOP THINKING? For crying out loud! Small wonder - its still going on to this day! While our Zionist PM Cameron is telling us to tighten our belts, the Zionist controlled media continue to lie, telling us our economy is improving while its going down the pan! This is solely for the purpose of covering up the fact of how were wasting fortunes on a war of terror that is largely Israels making. THEY DID 9/11 IN ORDER TO CREATE A WAR OF TERROR! Last year we told Cameron - we vehemently opposed military intervention in Syria but how many times have I told you - IF NO ONE STOPS THE ZIONISTS, THEY WILL NOT STOP ......... how many times have I said this? WHATS HAPPENING? Were on the verge of attacking Syria............ again..... yet another country Israel wants to see destroyed! What does it take for people to ask - what has Syria ever done to anyone? When are people going to arrive at the correct conclusion............. NOTHING! Its only the Zionists puppets & the media telling us how bad Assad is! When are all the people out there going to ask - why the hell dont we do something about that mass-murdering geriatric piece of shit Robert Mugabe? Hes systematically slaughtering his own people yet no one in the media ever mentions what hes doing! Look, if you choose to disregard all the evidence that stares you squarely in the face, please, do not pass off your deficiencies by labeling me gullible or dumb - I can assure you, Im neither! If you think so, just stop. Look in the mirror & I guarantee - you will be looking at one brainless bozo! Now I dont mind if youve got the brains of a rocking horse! Thats not your fault. Some people cant help it. Thanks to our bent elected representatives, theyve seen to it....... that you ........ HAVE GOT THE BRAINS OF A ROCKING HORSE! Im actually annoyed about that. I cant tell you how decidedly tiresome it is for me because I have to spend my time, day after day, spelling out the obvious...... & I promise you, though Im as thick-skinned as a Nile Croc, its beginning to wear me down! For the many friends I have who genuinely appreciate my efforts, I wouldnt be doing this if it wasnt for you............ Love you all!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:50:59 +0000

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