SPECIAL CONSTABLE MARSHALL MOYES TO BE AWARDED QUEEN’S POLICE MEDAL, Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Special Constable Marshall Moyes, Tayside Division, is to be awarded the Queen’s Police Medal in the Queen’s New Year Honours list for 2015. On hearing the news, Special Constable Marshall Moyes said, “This has come as a great surprise. I am very honoured and humbled to receive the Queen’s Police Medal.” “I have been working in the Lochee area of Dundee with community officers for a number of years, and it is partly their award as much as mine. I find it very surprising for someone at my level to receive it, rather than a higher ranking officer, so it really is a great honour. “I was brought up in Logie Street in Lochee, in an area that is now a grass field. When I first started out as a Special Constable in Lochee, I was friendly with the local community officer and we initiated and took part in many community activities. My 40-year career as a Special Constable really grew from there and I have continued to build up excellent relationships with my colleagues. “I have been involved in numerous community events, fetes and gala days and have taken part in many talks and demonstrations at local schools. It’s always great when young people come up to me in the street and recognise me from one of the talks I have given at their school - the relationship with the officers and community has been getting better and better over the years and it really is so rewarding. I still see people that I know and that my parents knew, in the community, and many others who have lived there for over 20 years. “Throughout my service and with the experience I have gained, I have encouraged other people to join as Special Constables and a number of them have continued on to join the police service as a regular officer aswell.” “It is my intention to retire in March having walked the beat for all these years, but I would still very much like to contribute to the community and be involved with local events and meet up with friends and colleagues again.” Marshall joined the City of Dundee Police Special Constabulary on the 5 October 1974, at the age of 24. On 16 May 1975 Marshall moved over to the legacy Tayside Police Special Constabulary as part of the amalgamation of Perth and Kinross Constabulary, Angus Constabulary and City of Dundee Police and latterly Police Scotland Special Constables following the merger of the eight police forces. Marshall has spent most of his career policing the streets within the housing schemes in Dundee. Over the years he has also spent several years assisting the former Identification Branch (SOCO) and the stolen vehicles squad. He has also assisted with many local community events throughout his time as a Special Constable, including Boys Brigade Parades, Christmas Light Switch On, Political Party Conferences, Rewind Music Festival and Safetaysiders to name a few. For around the past five years or so years Marshall has been the Dundee Local Policing Special Constable Representative and has also represented his colleagues at National Special Constable Group Meetings at the Scottish Police College. He still regularly parades for duty as a Special Constable and on average, over the last five years, he has paraded for duty on average 60 times per year and carried out on average 300 hours of duty per year. Marshall has a passion for the role of Special Constable and tries to pass this onto new recruits and he has assisted with skills days at the Staff Development Unit, Baluniefield Training Centre. These are days where new recruits can put all of their classroom training into practical scenarios. On all of these days he gives up his own time in an effort to pass on his knowledge and skills to other Special Constables. Over the years he has accumulated the following awards which are a credit to himself; in 1983 he received his Special Constable Long Service Medal, in 1993 he received his 1st Bar – Special Constable Long Service Medal, in 2004 he received his 2nd Bar - Special Constable Long Service Medal, and two months ago (June 2014) he received his Long Service Bar (Special Constable). Marshall also received his Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012. In 2010 Marshall received two other awards for his commitment to the role. He was nominated and subsequently won the Special Constable of The Year, Divisional Award for Excellence. Due to winning this award he was automatically entered into the next stage – the Force Excellence Awards where he was successful. In March 2013 he was selected to represent Dundee Special Constables at a Civic Reception within the Perth City Hall. This event was held to mark the end of Tayside Police and was attended by senior officers and various dignitaries. Marshall stated that he was honoured to have been chosen to attend the event which marked the end of Tayside Police, a Force of which he had been part of for some 38 years. Assistant Chief Constable Wayne Mawson said, Marshall’s enthusiasm and commitment to the role of Special Constable is unquestionable. To have served his local community for almost 40 years and giving up on average 300 hours of his own time, year after year is highly commendable. There is no doubt that he has made a difference to local policing as a Special Constable. Without the assistance of Special Constables like Marshall we could not have made the significant inroads we have within “D” Division in respect of crime detection, public reassurance and policing major events. His participation, over the years in many local initiatives, many events and his continued support and enthusiasm for the role has been greatly appreciated by his colleagues and the communities in which he has served. Marshall is a credit to himself, his colleagues and Police Scotland Special Constabulary. Marshall is due to retire from the Special Constabulary at the end of March, 2015 and at that time he will have dedicated over 40 years to the Police Service.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:02:23 +0000

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