Sacred Sites Journeys - TURKEY: Gobekli Tepe - Heres an - TopicsExpress


Sacred Sites Journeys - TURKEY: Gobekli Tepe - Heres an interesting theory about Gobekli Tepe and how it relates to astrology and perhaps to the beginning of ancient mystery schools. Gobekli Tepe is an archeological site in Turkey, which, I believe, epitomizes the constellation of Leo and Cancer. This site is carbon dated cir. 8800-9600 BCE, which places its construction in the astrological ages of Leo and Cancer. So far a number of circles (A – E) have been found and have been alphabetized accordingly. I am working up a separate article on Gobekli Tepe’s complex; however, I introduce this accompanied image of Gobekli Tepe’s STONE CIRCLE – D because it goes to the discussion on antediluvian astrology and the astrological paradigm. The image itself is not that difficult to interpret. Some of these standing stones are fifteen meters high made into image of human beings (two central stones) and the surround standing stones prop up into small stones have animals carved on them. The smaller stones surround the twelve larger stones apparently symbolically represent the Milky Way Galaxy. So it does not take rocket scientists to tell us that these twelve surrounding stones represent the signs of the Zodiac though one may find it difficult to get an archeologist to sign off on that interpretation. Note the entrance to the circle. There is no doubt in my mind that the entrance represents Cancer on the left and Leo on the right and the two standing stones in the center represent ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind and dead center of these two standing stone would be the Sanctum Sanctorum: Holy of Holies. What is most intriguing about Gobekli Tepe, besides its pristine state, is that the entire complex, some twenty circles with over two hundred standing stone from six to twenty meters, were built and then deliberately buried. This is very similar to the esoteric science being buried beneath the texts of the sacred scriptures of the world. The land above this megalithic site was used for agricultural purposes for about ten thousand years. It was only because the owner of the land tried to remove one of the protruding standing stone that he realized there was much more to it than he could deal with. Only about twenty percent of the complex has been thus far uncovered. The archeologist tells that the hill that the entire complex was buried under is not natural and is deliberately layered into a pyramidal shape. So it doesn’t stress the imagination too much to believe that this may well be the origins of Antiquity’s Mystery Schools. It appears as if each separate circle may have been a different perspective in learning about the perennial paradigm. It may well be that this was the first stage that the initiate was introduced to the basic teachings of the perennial matrix: astrological paradigm. Because the site was buried it is too similar to the idea of the unconscious mind is buried and forgotten under the weight of ego-consciousness; however, Gobekli Tepe is a well preserved site as if the ancient were leaving behind evidence of the dawn of man’s grasping the psychic perennial paradigm. Excerpted from Our Sacred Sites Journeys group with SSJs Director Andrea Mikana-Pinkham will visit Gobekli Tepe March 15- 18, 2015 as a post-tour excursion after our Ancient Temples & Sacred Sites of the Great Goddess, March 1 - 15, 2015. The group is filling, so reserve your space now! SacredSitesJourneys/Turkey-March2015/Turkey-March2015.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to receive our daily updates on the worlds sacred sites, please visit our Sacred Sites Journeys Page and Like it. Then choose Get Notifications from the Liked drop-down menu. Otherwise Facebook will only deliver about 7% of our posts to you, and youll miss your arm-chair travels with us. Thanks! And...enjoy!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:28:16 +0000

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