#Samuel A. Temitope Nigeria National Coordinator/Africa Regional - TopicsExpress


#Samuel A. Temitope Nigeria National Coordinator/Africa Regional Coordinator: Many say ERM is about People in an organization. How do we then, Transform this dangerous crisis of employee retention into an opportunity for you and your organization to flourish in 2015. It is employee retention especially that has emerged as the workplace issue of the decade. In 2006, a survey predicted that the number one employment trend most likely to have a major impact on the workplace is a greater emphasis on retention strategies. And in a 2007 study, 88% of employers reported turnover had stayed the same or increased…and 45% forecasted a further increase in turnover (only 3 percent predicted a decrease). In addition, employee loyalty is down. According to a 2005 survey, 79% of employees are job searching, either actively or passively. In fact, the most frequently asked question put to ERMAP, ERMCP and CERG holders is, “How can we keep talent from jumping to our competitors?” Fortunately, every crisis contains not only danger but also opportunity. In this discourse, you will learn the secret to transforming this dangerous crisis into an opportunity for you and your organization to flourish in 2015 and beyond. Below is recommendation for motivating and retain talented employees. these thoughts can be used for larger or smaller or in a different industry or sector. Think about how you can adapt the ideas to your workplace. Tip #1: Pay employees fairly and well; then get them to forget about money. Tip #2: Treat each and every employee with respect. Show that you care about each employee as a person, not just as a worker. Tip #3: Praise accomplishments…and attempts. Tip #4: Clearly communicate goals, responsibilities, and expectations. Never criticize in public—redirect in private. Tip #5: Recognize performance appropriately and consistently. Tip #6: Involve employees in plans and decisions, especially those that affect them. Solicit employees’ ideas and opinions. Encourage initiative. Tip #7: Create opportunities for employees to learn and grow. Link the goals of the organization with the goals of each individual in it. Tip #8: Actively listen to employees’ concerns—both work-related and personal. Tip #9: Share information—promptly, openly, and clearly. Tell the truth...with compassion. Tip #10: Celebrate successes and milestones reached—both organizational and personal. Create an organizational culture that is open, trusting, and fun. APPLICATION 1. What people challenges are you facing at your workplace? For example: • Turnover, absenteeism, lateness • Morale, esprit de corps • Productivity, commitment 2. Visualize your staff as a whole and each person in it. 3. Ask yourself: What are their needs? Frustrations? • Recognition, appreciation, fair rewards • Development of skills, career, personal • Meaningful work/feeling involved • Respected and listened to • Receive clear feedback and information • Celebrate successes/have fun 4. Not sure? Ask them. 5. Prepare a plan of action and execute it—starting now! *** Congratulations to everyone around the world that Passed & Earned their ERMAP, ERMCP & CERG certifications in 2014; What an Effort & Success! In 2015- Earn your ERMAP, ERMCP, CERG Global enterprise risk management badge- TURN ON YOUR TALENTS AND TURN ON YOUR TURNOVER by Registering and Participating in the ERMA Global Exam Based Assessments (EBA) for the Nigeria region of Africa here: erm-academy.org/region/nigeria You can always email Global ERMA office for your countrys National Coordinators: [email protected] Follow on twitter: @ERMCP Global portal: erm-academy.org
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:49:39 +0000

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