Sanningsfiendtleg polemikk er alltid eit teikn på at nokre har ei - TopicsExpress


Sanningsfiendtleg polemikk er alltid eit teikn på at nokre har ei vond tå dei vil verna. Israel Shahak har med knivskarp presisjon dissekert venstresida sine tabu og hang-ups når det gjeld tilhøvet til jødisk religion og brotsverka i Palestina. Boka hans om desse spørsmåla ligg ope tilgjengeleg på nett, for den som vil forstå kva som ligg under den ikkje heilt venlege polemikken mellom meg og Arne Eriksen. Som Shahak meiner eg at den udiskutable, ”progressive” partilina i alle desse diskusjonane er ein del av problemet. Og at dette problemet har djupe røter på venstresida. Som Shahak skriv (avslutting av kapittel 2): In the present case we are also faced with another group loyalty, but one which comes from outside the group, and which is sometimes even more mischievous. Very many non- Jews (including Christian clergy and religious laymen, as well as some marxists from all marxist groups) hold the curious opinion that one way to atone for the persecution of Jews is not to speak out against evil perpetrated by Jews but to participate in white lies about them. The crude accusation of antisemitism (or, in the case of Jews, self-hate) against anybody who protests at the discrimination of Palestinians or who points out any fact about the Jewish religion or the Jewish past which conflicts with the approved version comes with greater hostility and force from non-Jewish friends of the Jews than from Jews. It is the existence and great influence of this group in all western countries, and particularly in the USA (as well as the other English-speaking countries) which has allowed the rabbis and scholars of Judaism to propagate their lies not only without opposition but with considerable help. In fact, many professed anti-stalinists have merely substituted another idol for their worship, and tend to support Jewish racism and fanaticism with even greater ardor and dishonesty than were found among the most devoted stalinists in the past. Although this phenomenon of blind and stalinistic support for any evil, so long as it is Jewish, is particularly strong from 1945, when the truth about the extermination of European Jewry became known, it is a mistake to suppose that it began only then. On the contrary, it dates very far back, particularly in social-democratic circles. One of Marxs early friends, Moses Hess, widely known and respected as one of the first socialists in Germany, subsequently revealed himself as an extreme Jewish racist, whose views about the pure Jewish race published in 1858 were not unlike comparable bilge about the pure Aryan race. But the German socialists, who struggled against German racism, remained silent about their Jewish racism. In 1944, during the actual struggle against Hitler, the British Labor Party approved a plan for the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine, which was similar to Hitlers early plans (up to about 1941) for the Jews. This plan was approved under the pressure of Jewish members of the partys leadership, many of whom have displayed a stronger kith and kin attitude to every Israeli policy than the Conservative kith and kin supporters of Ian Smith ever did. But stalinistic taboos on the left are stronger in Britain than on the right, and there is virtually no discussion even when the Labor Party supports Begins government. In the USA a similar situation prevails, and again the American liberals are the worst. This is not the place to explore all the political consequences of this situation, but we must face reality: in our struggle against the racism and fanaticism of the Jewish religion, our greatest enemies will be not only the Jewish racists (and users of racism) but also those non-Jews who in other areas are known - falsely in my opinion - as progressives.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:57:46 +0000

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