Serenity Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I - TopicsExpress


Serenity Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference! We live everyday fighting the things that are unchangable. We deny what we should accept and run from what will grant us the wisdom to reach our destiny. The hardest thing in life to accept is realizing that all the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears will be forgotten, disrespected, thrown away like trash, or ignored by those you chose to sacrafice for. Could be a family you built from scratch to end up torn by the fabric that made it once strong!!! Could be the job you held so proudly and would jump in head first not aware of the physical, mental, and spiritual toll it would have when they dont need you anymore!!! Could be the family and friends who always seemed to have your back but are now to busy, to unaware, to stubborn, or dealing with their own trials and tribulations to help!!! But I say to you, as the sun rises so does the concept and spark that is embedded within your soul to reveal itself when your open to it. For me it is writting and mentoring those who need it most. For others it could be singing, acting, etc all the gifts given by GOD to fulfill the mission here on earth. Its the only time you will find the right balance to deal with the pain that is reality. It wont lead to stardom, money, or better life. But it will be the calm in the storm you have been searching for. You ever wonder why rich people are never satisfied and why poor folks always looking for ways to become rich? Why the middle class seem to stay marginal not wanting to rock the boat. All classes searching but not finding what they seek? Even folks dedicated to church find time for foolishness and are key contributors why most people turn themselves from believing. A true blessing has no monatary value or can be seen by anyone but the parties GOD gave to give and recieve the blessing in the first place. My best friend touched me so much just by him opening his home and taking time to talk and act like fools till the early morning. With all the business around us many would have chosen to take care of themself, but he is part of the spark for me to continue to believe in the world so lost. Actually everyone I ever knew has helped me during this trying time where I feel my sacrafice will not be seen or noticed by the ones I gave it all to. I can only imagine my 5 kids not knowing every detail of sacrafice to make there lives ten times better than mines growing up. I can see them worried about bills, cars, cloths, money, and chasing the American dream. While not honoring, remembering, loving, supporting, appreciating those who gave their lives for them to be in the position to achieve it. Like there great grandfather and mother who came to this country as imigrants from Trinidad and Tobago. To a country torn with freedom issues, slavery issues, financial issues, and yet they survived and raised their children to succeeed and build a legacy here from nothing. The scarafice of there grandmother who died so long ago from breast cancer before there were any medical advancement to help. The pain and suffering that woman endured to mother 3 bad a** boys and a husband is unmearsurable. There grandfather who fought everyone to keep the path lit so that the generations after him would not have to deal with the same struggles. I now know what it means to be JOB (from bible), to build and enjoy everything that is perfect in life and yet lose it all in the same breathe. Yet I sit here before you, confidant, ready, and motivated even more to continue to hurdle whats next. That is called faith and love for the GOD who has never let me down and always helped me when I gave up on myself. Easy to say he took it from me, but I am here to say that I forced his hand and made those things bigger than my gift or destiny. Nothing is written that says you are supposed to have a house, white picket fence, kids, wife, and the great socitey dream. What is does say is you wake up and rise when the sun does everyday with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives GOD puts before you. Hence preach the gosspel to the world! You can of course be stubborn and fight your reality by making GOD bend to your will and dreams of happiness or you can embrace your path and enjoy the perfect plan GOD had designed for you in this life. By embrace, you will find joy and happiness that when looked back on will sustain and motivate everyone to believe! Serenity defined is a calm and I pray while you read this you find just that. No matter what is going on or how rough it is I say to you that the fact you have come this far means you have more calm and resolve than you give yourself credit for. Dont sell yourslef so short on what you have accomplished and been through because Im sure someone is watching and appreciates all you do. Just as I made my psych doc come to tears as we evaluated my state of minde since coming back from war. You too can affect those that you would think are unreachable. We all have moments and breakdowns. The feeling, after litreally being shot at and numerous threats on life; the sacrafice was worth the dream we all enjoy. You will never fully be appreciated as most want you to get back to work and be that same person you were when you left. The truth is you never will be the same person. You are forever changed as you hold the key to answers no one who will ever know but you and those you were with at the time. As I hear peoples concerns I only shake my head because you have seen kids and babies not have a chance to live for whatever the reason in a war riddled country. The hope is brighter for me than before but to see the ignorance and petty issues can only be why the world is so cold! I preach serenity and patiecne today in hopes someone took the time to want to seek the simpliest of lessons for your journey. Dont worry, dont over think, and lord please dont complain about anything because I can tell you stories of people who didnt make it. Didnt have the opportunities you have right now. Whose mission was shorter than yours. My best friend and I often wondered how soldiers end up on the street corners and become bumbs with a good retirement and benefits. I have part of the answer: the things you were taught and shown from school and parents become minor once you see the bigger picture. Its only part of the answer because those soldiers gave up and didnt take GODs message to the stubborn people it was intended for. Honestly i could care less about food, cloths, hot showers, money, cars, fame, etc! It means nothing if those you love cant share it with you. But I see good still and I havent given up on those that chose to listen. GOD showed me the ugly so that I may shed a light on those stuck in addictions and foolishness. Funny, people try to compare the streets or gang violence or whatever horrific thing that sent them into fiathlessness. I simple say have you ever been asleep and heard a bomb so loud it rocks you to your core and at that moment you wonder if you dead or alive???? What one must take away is that GOD chose for you to live so that you may tell others of his forgiveness for all those he chooses to wake up in the mornining. Dwelling on the past or horrors of the world only makes your journey longer until GOD finds a way to snap you out of the funk! Here is the Key.....find Serenity find peace and ultimately find the start to your real mission on earth!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:11:47 +0000

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