Sheeple look down on people who expand there minds using various - TopicsExpress


Sheeple look down on people who expand there minds using various substances as if they are junkies and a menace to society, yet all of them are addicted to the worst drug of all money. The things they do to get there daily fix are not only often questionable but downright evil , and all of them end up selling there soul to corporate greed, with no consideration for others or the enviorment what so ever. That kind of behaviour is not only accepted and stimulated, but even applauded as if raping society and the enviorment is a succes? For those who seem to have no empathy what so ever, those who build there fame and fortune on the exploitation of others and the enviorment, they even build buildings and statues and idolise them as if they are gods. Yet we who choose not to join in that sick perverted game and choose other ways in life, with consideration for ourselves, our mind ,our loved ones, our community and the enviorment are the problem? good luck explainig that to our future generations if there are any.... (ikzelf 2014)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:19:48 +0000

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