Short Biography. Karder and his twin Kaison were born September - TopicsExpress


Short Biography. Karder and his twin Kaison were born September 9, 2012. Their due date was not until November 28. But I (mom) went into labor on August 28th; after going to a doctors appointment and being told I was in labor (no, I really truly did not know I was in labor) and was in labor for 11 days, getting shots every six hours to stop the labor and getting daily ultrasounds to monitor our boys. On September 9th I was transferred by ambulance to a different hospital and told Karder had stopped growing and they had to take them via csection. At this point I was only 28 weeks pregnant and we didnt know whether our boys would survive or be okay. It was the scariest time of my life. Knowing my husbands twin and all the twins in his generations before him only one had survived. I remember sobbing before and during the process. Terrified. Our boys were born 9-9 at 9pm. Kaison was just fine! Karder had to be resuscitated and have his mouth sucked out. My husband was able to go directly back to see our boys. I had to be taken straight to recovery. It was hours later before I was able to go see them. They both had so many cords and tubes it broke our hearts; but we were just thankful they were both aoive. Kaison was born at 2lbs2oz 14. Karder was born at 2lbs12oz and 14.5. Their faces were completely covered with equiptment and safety glasses to protect their eyes from the jaundice lights. Then it happened. The moment we layed our eyes on them we were so overwhelmed with love. We had discussed at that time how we knew Karder was going to be different, in a special way. Our boys spent 65 long days in the NICU. Blood transfusions, ivs, feeding tubes, oxygen, cords, and the closed crib you could only stick your hands in one baby at a time. I remember when they put our boys in the same bed. They instantly made day to day improvements and the very first time I saw them together they were holding hands. Several times were one or the other taken out of our arms to be revived. It was a very emotional time. On December 12 we were finally trained to work heart monitors and oxygen equiptment and able to bring them home! :) We were so nervous we drove like 25 the whole way home. On December 21, 2012 we got married! Our boys were carried with their oxygen tanks and monitors down the isle as our best men! After that our boys were on oxygen for 9 months longer. Every time a monitor went off in the night we got our workout lol. At this point our Kaison developed at a fairly normal rate. At being three months early he was a little slower but right on track for his adjusted age. Karder was developed as a six month old baby at the age of one. He was barely able to hold his bottle; unable to hold a sitting position, unable to eat baby food, unable to hold his head up and found out he was allergic to wheat and egg whites. Last year due to their immune systems being so weak Kaison was hospitalized with Croup. That is when both of them started on occupational and developmental therapies. After a few months Kaison did not qualify but we were aggressively working with therapists for karder. When the boys were about six months old and their dad had just left to work out of town I had several things going on with my body to discover I was pregnant. Our little girl put me into labor at 28 weeks and i began getting weekly shots from then until real labor that the doctors had never seen before at 36 weeks. She was born November 6 but due December 5. If we had waited one more day to take her via csection she and I could have died due to the fact she was trying to come out of my csection scar and refused to drop into position. Which would have caused a uterus rupture, releasing bad fluids into my body and drowning her. Her name is Amiara and she was born at 5lbs7oz. It took Karder several months to get used to new sister but to this day they absolutely love each other. Around the time Amiara was born Karders doctor ordered a MRI and found nothing on it according to his dr and the radiologist. So we asked to be referred to a specialist because we wanted a second opinion and were determined. We went to Doctor Castellanos a child nuerologist in March. We wanted answers. After tons of research we thought we would be prepared to hear the verdict. But it was like being slapped in the face by someone you love every time I said the words my child has cerebral palsy over and over again in my head. The nuerologist said he knew the minute he put his eyes on Karder. He also said that Karder had a lot of scar tissue and white matter on his brain. Yes, another slap to the face. We have been reassured by doctors that we are not to blame. But sometimes I do think maybe I did something wrong. But that was only until the Nuerologist told us he believes it was a lack of oxygen caused during labor/delivery. I know I could not have caused it during that time because I was not even allowed out of bed. It took us about two weeks to come around after his diagnosis and the nuerologist telling us he may never walk. In May of this year Karder and Amiara were hospitalized with RSV. When Karder was released it was as if the months and months of therapy had never happened. His body had reset itself from being in a hospital bed. As of today Karder is almost two and can pull himself to a standing position but only able to maintain it by holding on for dear life, he is unable to get himself into a sitting position or crawl consistantly using his hands and knees. But we have high hopes for our little family and are trying our hardest. But no matter how hard things get, giving up is not and option!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:57:26 +0000

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