Since Im still being asked about what my issue with Shani Talmor - TopicsExpress


Since Im still being asked about what my issue with Shani Talmor was and there is still a lot of false information going around, Im going to explain what happened just this once and then leave this issue for what it is, because its really not important on the big scale of things. But I also know how wrong information and lies have a way of becoming a truth if not dealt with it. It is true that I dont like her as a person, because I have a huge dislike for people who are rude and offensive just because they can. People who are only nice if it suits their goal. Without any personal experience with her I had already noticed this years ago, because I always watch how people treat other people. And later as part of the organization of the Istanbul festival I experienced it personally. So I do admit, I dont like her and I dont trust her. But if I had been on a personal vendetta I could have exposed a lot more regarding how she does business as a salsa artist, but I havent and I wont. Because this was not where I was coming from. Btw, my status wasnt something horrible or offensive. I just wrote that apparently she was offended about my posts about Palestina, since she unfriended me. And that I dont care that she un-friended me, because I never liked her anyway. I havent called her names; I just expressed my opinion about her un-friending me. Thats it. What motivated me to write what I wrote about her, is the fact that friends of mine, also dancers, were attacked verbally and even threatened by Israeli dancers after sharing Shanis status regarding the Israel/Palestina conflict. Not only was she expressing her explicit support for (murderer) Israel, but she was also collecting money on her FB page for Israeli soldiers (which is outright ridiculous, since Israel is mega funded by countries like the US). She put Israels flag in her profile picture and was daring people in an aggressive manner to say something negative about it. My friends draw my attention to this. So this is the reason that I went to her page and saw how she was collecting money for the murdering Israeli soldiers and I was shocked. ONLY THEN I noticed that she had un-friended me. Up until that moment I wasnt even aware because I hadnt had contact with her since the Istanbul event. But most of all I was disgusted by the way she was going on and on about her fantastic country Israel and how Israeli soldiers were heroes... This when the internet was being flooded with pictures and videos of dead and wounded Palestinian children. Ripped to pieces by these Israeli soldiers. These are war crimes and this woman who is of Jewish origin, who should know better after everything her people have suffered in World War II, was actually PROUD of her country and its soldiers. I was and am deeply disgusted by this. So her un-friending me was only the perfect opportunity for me to express how I feel about her. And I dont take bullying or threatening well, even if its not directed to me. So my way of dealing with that is to face it right on so I did. I DID NOT call her names or use foul language, although this is what she now claims. A lot of people did react to my status, some were supporting me, others were attacking me. And there was an intensive discussion among these people and some of them may have said offensive things about her. But her supporters also said offensive things about me. So its not like she is the victim her. Of course I cant proof that she is lying since she and her friends have reported my status and the whole status has been removed by Facebook. What Ive learned from my experience with this woman is that she attacks and insults but when you push back, she turns things around and tries to make it look like it was the other way around. She lies. Only after she saw that people may boycott her, she tried to make this look like a personal vendetta from me to her, so people would doubt my intentions and my sincerity. So I did not start bringing politics into the salsa scene, she did. And her Israeli salsa friends did by attacking other dancers for sharing her political status on FB. If you put your political opinions right out there for everyone to see, then you shouldnt cry and complain when people react to it. I dont give a hood about her un-friending me; she is nothing to me, but it did open a door for me to express my disgust towards her behavior. And anyone who thinks thats unfair, well so be it. Innocent children being ripped to pieces isnt fair either, but I dont see the people liking her status in which she is bashing me, worrying as much about that injustice. So there, this is my side of the story.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:12:18 +0000

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