Small Steps to Weight Loss Tips: Day 24 On Day 24, I am going - TopicsExpress


Small Steps to Weight Loss Tips: Day 24 On Day 24, I am going to share the single most important tip that made the difference in my ultimate weight loss success. Actually, it wasn’t a really tip but a promise. I promised myself I would NEVER give up – no matter how long it took to achieve my goal. If I messed up, I would simply learn from the experience and try again. My attitude would be like a baby learning to walk. What if, when learning to walk, a baby decided not to try anymore after falling the first time? Or even the 100th time? Instead, the baby knows within herself that she is destined to walk and so she keeps trying – secure in the knowledge that someday she is going to walk! Do you have confidence that you are destined to achieve your ideal weight? Or do you have doubts? The doubt needs to go because as long as you have doubt, you have an “out”. You will subconsciously sabotage your success and quit. When you quit, you are 100% guaranteed that you will never get what you want. At least if you stay committed, you have a chance. Now all you have to give yourself is time to get there. If you really believed that you were destined to get healthy and achieve your ideal weight, what does your ideal day look like? How would you live differently? Take a pen and paper and write that down. It helps to continually reinforce your vision because that will inspire you to keep going during tough times. NEVER QUIT Continue practicing your routines so far: Morning Routine ■Drink 1 glass (16 oz) of water ■Take your multivitamin and Omega 3 supplement ■Do 10 minutes of stretching before shower ■Eat breakfast with protein ■Practice portion patrol ■Practice mindful eating Mid-Morning Routine ■Drink 1 cup of green tea with lemon ■Eat a high fiber fruit or protein snack ■Practice portion patrol ■Practice mindful eating ■Do 10 minutes of desk, commuter, or other strength-building exercise Midday Routine ■Drink 1 glass (16 oz) of water ■Eat a balanced lunch (1 serving of protein, starch, and vegetables each) ■Practice portion patrol ■Practice mindful eating ■Do 10 minutes of HIIT exercise
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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