So I had a dream last night. The last week or so me and Tiffany - TopicsExpress


So I had a dream last night. The last week or so me and Tiffany have been watching the entire series of the God Father movies, 1 thru 3, and we were about half way through the third movie and obviously the movie has started to creep into my dreams because last night I had a dream that basically started off with 3 gangster/ mafia guys dressed in attire from the 60’s or the 50’s where they’ve got the over coats, the suits and the hat, the gangster hat from the old times and they approach a Christmas character, and now what I mean by Christmas character, I mean exactly as in ‘Rudolf the Red nosed reign deer’. Now the reason why Rudolf is in the story…is right before sleep after watching he rest of God Father 2, my wife asked me to pick out a DVD from her. She had this DVD collection set that had 20 movies on it and on the box there was like a dog that was dressed up like Rudolf , had a red nose and everything , So in my brain the last , the very last thing I really was focusing on before I went to sleep was a picture of Rudolf… even though it was a dog, but it was “Rudolf”. So in my dream, it incorporates Rudolf the actual reign deer , from the way he looks was from television or movies that were from the 60’s or 70’s, I saw them in the 70’s and in the 80’s… of the character Rudolf, with his messed up little voice and how he was mistreated and everything and then he became the hero because his nose glowed so bright. Well, in the dream, the gangster guys approached Rudolf in this dark ally .. where they’re having this meeting with him.. but they didn’t want him around the other reign deer or anybody else; they wanted it to be a private little conversation and the gist of the whole thing was that they were trying to get Rudolf to leave Santa and join their mafia osia group I guess because the advantages of his nose glowing bright can be used by their group in dark situations, covert situations, I guess. They needed somebody with his kind of special technique and ability and Rudolf being a good little guy wasn’t really hot on the idea of joining the mob but then they started pointing out that Santa was kinda like this bad guy and taking advantage of Rudolf.. Santa uses him to be able to prosper and do what he needs to do like having Rudolf pull the front of the sleigh and work really hard and be the reason that Santa is able to succeed. but what does he get out of it..? yah, he gets a roof over his head like a cold wet stable and some corn but other than that.. he doesn’t get very much… other than being the hero. But the mafia group was like, we have a better offer for you than that, you know.. AN OFFER YOU CANT REFUSE. For a roof over your head, how about a nice mansion instead of that cold wet stable; plus we’ll put a little jingle in your pocket, instead of some cheep bells on a sleigh and with that pocket money, you can afford the best corn money can buy. This starts to catch Rudolf’s ear. But he wonders what he has to do for it. Well, that’s when it starts to go a little south for him because they start explaining how they gotta make some moves.. you know they gotta grow, and put a hit on an organization that ah well Ah, lets just say that ah their turf conflicts with our business. It’s not personal you see? It’s just business. And ah they need ah somebody with Rudolf’s ability to be able to ah light up an area so bright that they could maybe blind somebody so that they can take ‘em out, you know.. And ah, or ya know, stuff like that. So, Rudolf is like,, I don’t’ think I can do that. The mafia guys were kinda like well you know ah we respect that. I guess you can also respect that ah, you know, that ah Santa could always find somebody else.. ya know? So, Basically they were letting him know that he doesn’t really have a choice in the matter. He either cooperates or a terrible misfortune will happen next time he’s on Santa’s sleigh. And they continued to reinforce the fact that Santa is actually this cheapskate guy that was taking advantage of him anyway.. Rudolf you may think Santa is this jolly good guy but basically those elves are slaves. they’ve got them up there in the polar cold .. they can’t go anywhere. They know that and Santa knows that and if they do try to walk out away from there they will die from the cold…They’ve got to pretty much make those toys at his whim … So, waking up from my dream, I’ve come to the conclusion that Santa is kinda like a dictator instead of this jolly good guy. I think these mob guys are right and that Santa is the biggest racket of all time because he’s got these little people running around doing what he wants and its all just to give these kids toys. When they all find out the truth, Santa isn’t giving anybody toys.. He’s just stealing their cookies and it’s really the parents and friends of family who give the gifts. So he’s not holding up his end of the deal. He’s got those guys working for him for nothing! so what’s he doing with all those toys? And should Rudolf really be helping him or should he look out for himself and get a little jingle in his pocket. What’s your thoughts?
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 07:05:34 +0000

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