So, I seem to over complicate traveling. I didnt miss any - TopicsExpress


So, I seem to over complicate traveling. I didnt miss any international flights this time around. But the way home was a long one. My fight left London Heathrow at noon. I get to the gate early, but this new gate isnt like every other airport gate in the world in that once you have gone through all the security hoops, you cant just park it in a seat near the gate and wait for the counter to call your group. This gate has a stanchion queue leading to a new desk where they check your passport (once the gate queue area is ready) and your ticket. Oh yeah, and they randomly pull people aside and submit them to another search of luggage and a pat down, even though they just had everything searched via x ray. Of course, all but 2 of the random searches were on people with darker skin, most with english accents and none with the standard uniform the news uses during their scare pieces. Anyway, I got to LAX without issues. Got through LAX customs without issues aside from the douchbaggery of some of the agents there. Give some numbskull a job with the word officer in the title and as Dave Mustaine said watch him become a god. Watch peoples heads roll. This was at about 3:30 after an 11+hour flight. I then spend another hour or so in a cab from LAX to Union Station, downtown. Due to the fact that the ride originated at LAX and because there was a truck on fire on the freeway plus rush hour was starting, the cab cost $70+. Still, it was better and quicker than public transportation after sitting in a plane for over 11 hours. I get out of the cab, grab my suitcase and backpack and head to the ticket window to purchase a train ticket. I then realize I had left my leather jacket in the cab that contained my flight reimbursement, casino winnings from the trip (around 1200 pounds sterling), and my payment from the tour. I flip out and run outside, but the cab was already gone. The other cab drivers from the same company just gave me the companies phone number. Oh yeah, did I mention that My dumb ass left my cell phone in my bunk on the bus? So, I find the one working(barely) pay phone in Union Station and call the cab company. At first, they sounded like I was going to be S.O.L. because I didnt get the cabs number. But I said I paid with a credit card and they were able to contact the driver. Due to traffic, he took over 2 hours to come back. But he had the jacket in tact and didnt charge me. The phone operator was adamant about not paying the guy for coming back after paying over $70 for the cab. He didnt ask for anything and was super nice about the whole thing. While waiting for the driver to return, like 15 different crack heads hit me up for money. some multiple times for cash, some would ask for cash - then a cigarette - then cash again. One guy started dancing to some music only he could hear with his invisible ear buds. I go purchase the train ticket, but now have to wait till 7:30pm. Oh well, I spotted a nice restaurant amid the stench that was union station. I go to an ATM and as its spitting me out $60 another dude gives me the Im $10 bucks short for a ticket speech. I ask him if hes got a $10, which he did. So I traded him for a $20. He didnt look like the 50 other people asking for money and checking the change slots on the ticket machines. I needed to put back into the Karma Bank, anyway. So I sit down for a proper meal and a couple of Stellas. The nice restaurant at the train station turned out to be pretty fancy. I had this huge stuffed pork chop with spinach. It was great, and the place was pretty nice. Next on the list was ben and jerrys. I get a chunky monkey sundae that I end up wearing half of. After that I got on the train and passed out till around san juan capistrano. Woke up, grabbed a beer from the cafe car and went back to sleep till carlsbad. Next time Im flying in and out of SD regardless.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:01:02 +0000

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