Some people will read this as an ultra conservative post or think - TopicsExpress


Some people will read this as an ultra conservative post or think thats a little overboard, this is modern times. Some people may even view this as ignorant or may get fired up over what Im about to say. This is not an attempt to start an argument or debate about your Christianity, I for one think your salvation and relationship with Jesus Christ should be lived in a way that your not constantly having to convince someone through debate that you know Jesus on a personal level, its called being able to judge a tree by the fruit it bears, thats scripture by the way. But back to my original post, regardless of how you view my following comment I had something bother me tonight on a real level. I had went by a book store to buy a book or two when I noticed something that I had always correlated with the beautiful but brutal story of the cross and the ultimate price that was paid for my sins to be forgiven. As I looked on the shelf I saw multiple boxes of the crown of thorns (getting ready for Easter Im sure) for sale with an actual dollar amount on them. Now heres where some of you get angry and stop reading and say theyre too old fashioned to realize those are used in dramas and plays to win souls to The Lord, i get that and to those that are winning hearts to the kingdom I commend you and love working shoulder to shoulder with you. But look deeper for just a second, have we become a society that is hardened to the gruesome death that our savior endured for us. Have we taken a relic of something so priceless and now from being desensitized and gospel hardened, have become able to market it and mass produce it? It just seems like it should be more honored and cherished than just a prop for a program or a wall hanger. Again I know you may think Im weird for that but hey I still cry my eyes out singing the old rugged cross so if it doesnt bother you the same I fully understand, just do me one favor before you weigh out this comment and think through what salvation cost and give it a little thought.. Again Im not condemning or scorning anyone who may have purchased one. It just struck me that we may need to slow down and put salvation into perspective......In the end it is all the hope we have..
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:03:34 +0000

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