Sometimes its very hard facing realities in life. Im not a young - TopicsExpress


Sometimes its very hard facing realities in life. Im not a young skinny kid anymore, that can play basketball all day and night. I cannot reverse slam dunk anymore on a basketball rim. I cannot run a 10 to 11 seconds 100 meters run. I cannot broad jump 10 feet anymore. I cannot fit into my size 26 Jordache jeans anymore. I cannot long jump over 24 feet anymore. I cannot drink whole milk all day anymore. I cant eat 10 big macs at one time anymore. I cant dance at a disco night club til morning anymore. And I would now look ridiculous with a big fro and pimp suit. Lol. But I do thank God that with an active fitness lifestyle and a healthy diet, I can still do some things just as good or better then when I was a lot younger. I am a whole lot stronger. I am just as quick and fast with my hands, and my vertical leap is still around 25 to 30 inches despite being 275 pounds and 58 years old. I am much wiser and patient now. Much more tolerant of peoples views and beliefs, although my eyes are much more open politically and socially. I am much more educated and have accomplished a lot scholastically and physically. I can still workout, do martal arts, box, work, and train clients all day and night. I attribute all that to, number my spiritual beliefs in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, my consistent martial arts and fitness lifestyle, and a life of love with my wife, son, family, and good friends. I also attiribute a good sense of humor and a positive outlook on life.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:29:13 +0000

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