THE GOSPEL CALLING SERIES 2 WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? PART 2: A proper understanding of what the Gospel really is cannot be achieved without an understanding of the revelations of the New Testament on the Gospel. This is because the Old Testament is only a shadow of the realities of the New Testament, a sign or a symbol pointing us to the realities of the New Testament. We look at the picture (OT) to see clearly what the real object (NT) is (Heb.10:1, Gal.3:24-25). The NT presents the Gospel to us in far deeper way more than merely being: Any kind of good news (1Sam.31:9, 2Sam.1:20, 1Chro.10:9), God’s kindness (Ps.36:10, 96:2), Messianic blessings (Isa. 40:9, 61:1) etc. as the OT reveals. So what is the Gospel according to the NT perspective? 1st & most importantly the Gospel is revealed as Jesus Christ Himself (1Cor. 15:1-8). The Lord Jesus Christ being the very Word of God and God Himself (John 1:1-14) was incarnated to become a slave man (the least social status) among men, humbled Himself even to the point of an absolute shameful death on the cross, spatted upon, beaten, rejected, scorned and mocked by ordinary clay mortal men whom He has created just so that humanity will have salvation and be reconciled back to our loving Precious heavenly Father (Phil.2:5-11). He is indeed the fullness of Grace and Truth and the very epitome and reality of the blessed Gospel and the Love of God through whom our redemption, Peace, liberation, blessedness, Prosperity etc. is secured forever! And now through Him not only have we obtained the very life of God but have also become partakers of the glorious divine life (John 3:16, 2Pet.1:4) and beloved if there is ever a “Good News” then this is truly a Good News! Glory to Jesus!!! It is also referred to 7 times as the Gospel of God (Rom.1:1; 15:16) and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Matt.4:23; 9:35; 24:14; Mark 1:14). When Jesus the embodiment of the Gospel was on earth as the Teacher and preacher & practical demonstrator of the Gospel (Good News), He proclaimed that all the promises God gave to the Israelites were now fulfilled in Him, He being the Promised Kingdom of God had come & salvation is now available to all who would repent of their sins and trust in Him for forgiveness (Mark 1:14-15, John 3:1-21). This is because the Kingdom of God as the Bible reveals is not a territory over which he reigns, but the rule which He exercises. The Kingdom of God therefore refers to Power, Authority and the Rulers-hip of God. As Don Fleming puts it “It is defined not by a geographic location, an era of existence, or the nationality of a people, but by the sovereign rule and authority of God (Exod. 15:18; Ps 103:19; 145:10-13). The person who seeks God’s Kingdom seeks Gods rule in his life (Matt.6:33); the person who receives God’s Kingdom receives God’s rule in his life (Mark 10:15). Jesus therefore came to establish God’s rule among men. Beloved the Bible admonishes us to Shines as stars or beacons of light in this topsy – turvy world (world of total confusion) by upholding the World of life, the Gospel (Phil.2:15-16). But before we can do so we must ask ourselves is the gospel truly a reality in our own lives? Jesus our perfect model being a minister and a practical demonstrator of the Gospel showed that the Gospel must not only be ministered orally but must also be demonstrated as the very life and power of God (Matt. 12:28, Mark 1:27, Luke 10:9, 17-18, Matt.4:23-24). May God be our Help! Enjoy His tangible Presence as you fellowship today. Shalom!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 05:32:36 +0000

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