THE MIONORITY BATWA TRIBE UGANDA AND RWANDA Batwa as the original - TopicsExpress


THE MIONORITY BATWA TRIBE UGANDA AND RWANDA Batwa as the original dwellers of this ancient jungle, the Batwa were known as “The kings of the Forest.” The history of these small-statured people is long and rich. The Batwa survived by hunting small game using arrows, nets and Snares, gathering plants and fruit in the rain forest even very aggressive to other people who would find them in the forest. They lived in Caves and later resorted to huts constructed of leaves and branches, moving frequently in search of fresh supplies of food. The Batwa lived in harmony with the forest and its creatures, including the mountain gorillas, for millennia. Some anthropologists estimate that pygmy tribes such as the Batwa have existed in the equatorial forests of Africa for more than 60,000 years. In 1992, the lives of the Batwa pygmies changed forever. The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest became a national park and World Heritage Site to protect the 350 endangered mountain gorillas within its boundaries. The Batwa were evicted from the park. The Batwa became conservation refugees in an unfamiliar, unforested world. Many Batwa died during the early years of exile, and the tribe’s very existence was severely threatened because of climate change and feeding changes. They were and neglected by the local communities, mistreated and nobody could share with them nor drinking from a cup nor eating from a plate. After some years the smallest group that remained became slaves to the community members and once giving them food or something to drink could use plants leaves for them to eat/drink but currently they have really mixed with the community the climate and ways of feeding is friendly through the help of some well-wishers. Such as Dr Scott from USA who build the community hospital to support them in medical and employment opportunities and others have contributed shelters to them for example Jayne Symon-Jackson to mention but a few and fortunately currently they also participate in community activities and have a right to vote. Would you wish to have Batwa experience? African Unique Tours and Safaris is the right and experienced company that can take you through this and other experience for your once and life time experience.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:03:33 +0000

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