THE PERIL OF LINGERING IN THE LAST DAYS AND WHEN THE MORNING AROSE, THEN THE ANGELS HASTENED LOT, SAYING, ARISE TAKE THY WIFE AND THY TWO DAUGHTERS WHICH ARE HERE, LEST THOU BE CONSUMED IN THE INIQUITY OF THE CITY AND WHILE HE LINGERED... ( Genesis 19:15-16 ) It seems incredible, almost unbelievable that Lot lingered at this time. (1) He knew the awful condition of Sodom, THE CRY OF THEM IS WAXEN GREAT BEFORE THE FACE OF THE LORD ( Genesis 19:13 ) yet he LINGERED (2) He knew that the fearful judgment of God had come. The angels said, THE LORD HATH SENT US TO DESTROY IT ( Genesis 19:13 ) yet he LINGERED (3) Lot believed there was danger, for he himself had gone to warn others, saying, UP GET YOU OUT OF THIS PLACE: FOR THE LORD WILL DESTROY THIS CITY ( Genesis 19:14 ) yet HE LINGERED (4) He saw the angles of God, waiting for him and his family to go out quickly. He heard the voice of the angels with a note of urgency in their tone saying, ARISE... LEST THOU BE CONSUMED IN THE INIQUITY OF THIS CITY.THE ANGELS HASTENED LOT ( Genesis 19:15 ) And yet HE LINGERED! What a state of spiritual dullness. He was slow when he should have been fast. There are many like Lot today. They own a Bible, but they are slow to read it. They believe in heaven, yet they seem so slow in preparing to go there. They believe in hell yet they do nothing to escape it. They hate the devil, yet they yield to his temptation. Why did Lot linger in Sodom? Why do you linger? Lots treasure was in was in Sodom . Lots heart and affection was in Sodom. and Lots ambition of greatness was locked up with Sodom. This is your chance! The questions come to you: On whose said are you? Who are you following or obeying? Your decision today and devotion in life will determine your destiny in eternity.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:15:07 +0000

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