THEORY OF EVERYTHING TO COMPLEMENT THE GOD PARTICLE Scientists have just put forward one of the most convincing evidences to challenge the place of religion at least since Charles Darwins, Origin of the Species where natural processes were put forward as origin of life. Professor Alan Guth (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was one of the pioneers suggesting that the Big Bang which started the universe, was followed by the period of cosmic inflation during which the universe expanded faster than light due to quantum mechanical interactions when a subatomic microcosm of the nacent universe expanded to size of a marble. During this immensely brief period of cosmic inflation gravitational waves played immensely important interferences that clumped the matter and energy. The turbulent gravitational wave fields have now been detected as highly orgainsed polarisation fields with strong field lines thus clumping the matter in clusters rather than smoothly over the space. The new discovery has made God a redundant concept since the beginnings - as far as the organisation and start of everything that is in existance. This appears to follow a series of other similar discoveries like formation on stars in the interstellar gas clouds (when the mass density exceeds the Chandrasekhar Limit and the interstellar gas in galaxy begins to collapse under its own gravity into star). The collapse of interstellar gas cloud into a star is then followed by the spinning gas turning into a disk of gas where sun forms at the centre and the planets spin around on the edges as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope and the recent large telescopes. In the Medieval Europe, it was once taught in the universities that Gods angels were pushing planets along their orbits. However, the new discovery by physics cannot provide explanation for the origin of evil, the explanation of which still remains within the realms of religion. Yet, this is definitely a new setback for the claims of worlds religions that appear out of touch in face of modern scientific endeavour. It also appears that where religion is strong usually number of scientists is the smallest and superstitions appear large and pronounced. One anomaly for this are the polarised societies where scientists and religiousl believers live on their own segragated dimensions within the society with less in common, valuewise, than between many independent nations...
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:32:18 +0000

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