TWO WAYS OF SEEING: One way of seeing, is of course, is - TopicsExpress


TWO WAYS OF SEEING: One way of seeing, is of course, is visualizing by everyone who has sight. It reveals the world as we know it experimentally. The other way to see, is of a spiritual nature...that is, only those who have been born again have that privilege or so says the Lord Jesus Christ in John 3:3, ...Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. So, the man who is not born again, may well be able to see all about him, but he cannot see spiritual things...nor can he understand them in a spiritual sense as a Christian person can. He is handicapped or limited in what he can see, according to Gods wordd. That is why, The natural man [the person who has not been born again] receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know they because they are spiritually discerned. [1 Corinthians 2:14] The natural man is the unsaved or unregenerated man...those who ahve not been saved by Gods grace. It takes the New Birth to have spiritual sight and perception. I like good news, but we get a lot of yellow journalism now days or what politicians want us to know. Bill OReillys show is an exception. I am not really a Bill OReilly fan but there is some truth in what he says; if you want to hear any truth, you will generally find some of it there. But Bill OReilly is not a Spiritual man in the sense that he has been born again. I am not saying that Bill is not saved because he is a Roman Catholic because any Roman Catholic....who has been born again [from above], trusted in Jesus Christ as his savior, and turned away from sin is a saved person Bill OReilly is a natural man. He can see with his eyes but he lacks spiritual insight and perception. I bought his book, Killing Jesus and it is the work of a natural man clear and plain. He says he has a lot of historical accuracy in it, but I would not recommend it to anyone who is seeking God...because you will not find God in reading it. [It is a book which renounces or purposefully by-passes spiritual truths and realities that only the spiritual man can see.] And he [makes it clear that he is a fact man and is only dealing with facts.] God does not work with facts alone. Much or most of what He tells us in His word oftentimes has spiritual applications to what He wants us to know. And it takes a person who has been born again to properly understand what God is saying. If you are not a person who has been born again, it is no wonder that you cannot understand what it says. Read 2 Timothy 3:17 where it says That the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works. [the word there is throughly, not thoroughly] The Bible was written primarily for the Christian. Now, a non-Christian may read it and it may please God to reveal Himself to the reader. BUT, it was written primarily....for the Christian. Education, human wisdom or human abilities....have nothing to do with spiritual sight and spiritual perception. [Those are characteristics hidden from the natural man] They are given to Gods children when they are born from above so they can understand His word and do His will to live like they should live. So, if you do not understand, there is a good reason; [it is because you have not been born from above]...and that, dear friends, it the truth of the matter. Now, if I found myself in that place, I would seriously call out to God for mercy and seek Him with all of my heart, [Jeremiah 29:13] because if you do will forever be banned from Him and His, His kingdom and consigned to a place called hell.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 05:51:22 +0000

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