Thank you technology for evening the playing field of justice. Im - TopicsExpress


Thank you technology for evening the playing field of justice. Im just tired of everyone not caring enough to acknowledge and appreciate everyone who crosses your path. Life can be good! Life can be wonderful! We can all live without an IRS, OR a FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, or fraudulent, criminal impostors in every department of the government (it seems) down to the county and city level in some places, and countries stealing from other countries, lying about every invasion or war all to dominate the world market in natural resources? Come on. We have technology that could make all our lives so enriched, and fufilled. We just have to care enough to reach out to your fellow man and say :hey. We the people have been lied to, by our own government leaders, we are poisoned in two forms or another every day. We have cameras and microphones so a plenty, privacy is now considered racist. Enough is enough. We need to stand. Now. Together. Take back our great nation, it is time the 1% give up this ridiculous quest for total world domination? We have done this dance too many times. Enough innocent children have died for oil, opium, and water. Greed. We are at a place in history where we can make Another Great Step for mankind, this one wont be altered or rewritten to suit greedy needs, or produced by a film crew and a government agency (or agencies). My apologies. I am rambling. If we dont do this all together, we may lose everything our fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, AND the incredibly strong women (and even other men). And the women of of our species, finally been given the voice (that so many of us have been deprived of for way too long.) Lets use our voice. . Our parents. OUR MOTHERS AND FATHERS, some fought and died for their fellow Americans. Some lived and still have the deep, emotional scars. Who wants that kind of life for a child? Apparently the 1% do think that you should be forever in debt, in trouble, in fear! always misinformed or dis informed. Enough. When THE TIME comes. We all must STOP, stand together & united. And demand our country back. At any cost. Remember, history is always written by the Victors. Peace. If something happens to me after I post this, blame it on the NSA or Homeland Security. Guys, there is still time to become THE HEROES of this story. Just sayin.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:04:16 +0000

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