The 1st day of December 2012 La Casa de Cortez, Publications By - TopicsExpress


The 1st day of December 2012 La Casa de Cortez, Publications By Arturo Cortez Colegio Cesar Chavez, Si se Puede, class of 1977 Si se Puede, it is who we are and what we do, I know that when you come to my face/ book page you see many political ads and news surveys of political organizations and politicians’. This is because Arturo Cortez of La Casa de Cortez f/b page is nothing less then the Hispanic battle ground for people and organizations who want their political positions heard by the American people. We as the Si se puede friends and family of Arturo Cortez are the hopes and dreams which global immigrants bring with them of fairness, hard work, justices and prosperity which come with a democratic way of life, armed with our own friends and families and our unified votes . Some of us came, others were brought, and many of us were already here. We are made up of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, liberals, and conservative voters united in our vote to do the right thing for our people and/or our nation. We are not a political party, but we do influence political out come by uniting our individual vote into a unified voting block through out America, we endorse, volunteer, and support different political parties and trust that we the “yes we can,” American voters will vote for what is good for America as one nation of immigrants under God, for all. We take pride in our American way of life, in our diversified cultural social environment, we value our God given ability to understand what is good for our nation and we ask our members to honor that personal commitment to yourselves as today‘s Americans. Last year we supported Barack Obama once again because he is the right man for the job and we had no better choice, and we of course won that battle. The Republican Party is still redefining itself to the American people, as we are fining out that it is possible that today the GOP may not know who or what it represents in respect to the American people. The problem is that the Republican Party is not will to diversify it’s political platform to include a domestic social agenda for our country and our American people. American society of today deserves and expects independent diversified Republican leadership from our national Leaders, where as we now have in a Republican congress and or a political Tea Party cult, established to protect the inhuman interest of a capitalist political congressional dictatorship over the American people. The Republican Party has now asked many of us to trust in them and their capitalist ideology once again after the same ideas have literally raped our American middle class with the last Republican Administration. We at “Si se Puede” respect the conservative virtues of a responsible “Republican moderate “yes we can” Republican Party leader willing to work as a American leader together to continue to move our country “foreword” regardless of Republican Party political wish lists. We the American people won the battle to re-elect Barack Obama we must now win the war to restore our country to a nation, of and for it’s American peoples who government is to represent. Remember that Republican tea party politicos, will go to Washington to fight for you, as they have made it clear. However, we as Republican yes we can voters, need Republicans who will go to Washington to work for us, we need true leaders of our local communities through out America who’s interest is in leading through compromise and factual accomplishment and not the cow pie Republican congressmen who now have control of our American House of Representatives in gridlock for the last five years; effectively doing nothing but collecting a pay check, and milking our nation as is their legal right. It is our American right to vote all those congressional milkers who call themselves our leaders out of political office, so we can get on with starting again. My massage to the Republican Party is ; you must go to the old scriptures “where he that is, all that there is,” can help you define yourselves. His son, my savior defines all of us as “it will be easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle, then it will be for you to enter the kingdom of God,” because you cannot have to masters. ArturoCortez, Si se Puede, Tejas USA
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:06:58 +0000

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