..The Art Of Candle Magic (Conversations With Grandma) Author: - TopicsExpress


..The Art Of Candle Magic (Conversations With Grandma) Author: Joyce Luciano There is something magical about the glow of a candle. Whether the intent is romance, light source or, magic, we feel a connection to our ancient past when the first spark ignited. Regardless of previous civilizations that have vanished almost without a trace, fire is deeply ingrained within our psyche. Like fire, the actual history of candles is unknown. Evidence of candlesticks is found in ancient Egypt and Crete, Circa, 3000 BCE. Greek and Roman candles in 100 A.D. were made from flax threads coated with pitch or wax. Phoenicians used pure wax candles in 400 A.D. In the sixteenth Century they were made from tallow. Candles progressed and were in daily use until the light bulb replaced them but still remain popular. Candle burning for ritual is an ancient art. They are also used for religious ceremonies. The Jewish Festival Of Lights commenced in 165 BCE. Rome made them a part of all religious ceremony. Candles still burn in modern churches. Greeks and Romans used candles and torches to transport the dead to their final resting place. We still light a candle when someone is sick or has passed over. Divination through candle drippings is an interesting old method comparable to Reading Tea Leaves. The drippings are allowed to fall into water thus producing images which foretell future events. Fire is a purifier. The worship of fire is still practiced today. Belief in the Fire God by the Zorastrians is not singular. Moses supposedly told his followers that their God was, “a consuming fire.” He said, God appeared to him in a “Flaming Bush.” The Bible specifies, God appeared in the Cherubim over the Gates Of Eden as a “Flaming Sword.” To Abraham as, “The Flame Of Fire.” Grandma said, “we use candle to increase the vibrations in the room where a Spell is being cast. The room should be kept separate from the rest of the household, no one is permitted to enter.” I asked, “is there a special place such as an altar Grandma, to set the candles on?” “Yes. It should be something that vibrates to you personally. Not old but brand new and never used by anyone but you,” she explained. I fully understood the process relative to casting a Spell. I wanted to know how candles could be used by anyone and asked, “does this apply to other people Grandma, I mean can anyone burn candles?” “Of course they can,” she replied. According to my Grandma, a few simple rules should be practiced for candle burning: 1. Never allow the candle to burn to the bottom. 2. Anoint all the candles. 3. Select a personal color and shape. 4. Candles are never blown out they are extinguished with a candle snuffer. 5. Discard all candles after use. Rule one is self-explanatory. Rule two: Anoint all the candles: The oil used to anoint candles is a personal choice. There are various scents available that list specifics for candles. Grandma instructed me to, “choose an oil that is pleasing to your own senses.” My favorite is Ylang Ylang. Candles should be at least eight inches high. Smaller ones can be anointed but duration is important. Therefore, choose candles that are approximately twelve inches tall. Effective candle magic should be performed in a private area on a flat surface. The surface is covered with white linen cloth. It must remain undisturbed for the duration. Full concentration is centered on the desired effect, such as, health, love, money, etc., while the candle is being anointed. Oil is placed in the palms of both hands about the size of a quarter and simultaneously rubbed toward the center. Depending on the width of the candle, the process may need to be repeated usually without adding extra oil. Once it is completely bathed in oil, hold the candle at one end while making a complete circle with the thumb of the free hand. The circle must be completed. This is an incorporeal sealing of the vibrations being placed in the candle e.g. health, love, money, and so forth. The first candle is placed in its receptacle. Each consecutive candle is anointed in the same manner. Candles are lit when all are in their respective candle holders. Rule three: Select a personal color and shape. One candle is used to represent you. Color and shape is individual preference. Certain colors vibrate to the Signs of the Zodiac: Aries: White or Red. Taurus: Red or Citron. Gemini: Rose or Sky Blue. Cancer: Green or Russet Leo: Gold or Reddish Orange Virgo: Black with blue dots or deep Yellow Libra: Dark Crimson or Blue black Scorpio: Dark Golden Brown or Black Sagittarius: Olive Green or Gold Capricorn: Dark Brown or Silver Gray Aquarius: Violet or Deep Purple Pisces: White or Emerald Green Rule Four is self-explanatory. Rule Five: Discard all candles after use. Once the Ritual is completed the candles are discarded inside the white linen. They are laid down in the center of the cloth. Bring all four corners together in the center. Tie the cloth with a heavy string. Grandma said, “it is best to bury the candles in dirt. If it is impossible to bury them, the next best thing is to store them in an area where they will not be found. Once the cloth is tied, it must never be opened again.” When dressing candles, the mind should be clear and concentrated on one single thought. Repeat the thought as a Chant for clarity. For example, suppose the desired effect is for a healing of someone suffering from cancer. A Chant such as, my intent and desire is for all cancer cells to leave the body of (name) forever and his/her body will be completely purged of cancer, never to return. This effectively states the desired result. Having established the Chant, write it down on a small piece of paper. Place the paper on the flat surface supporting the white linen cloth. The Chant remains on the surface until the final day of the Ritual. It is then folded several times and placed in a metal container and burned. A metal incense burner is good. Once cooled the ashes are placed inside the white cloth which is tied and stored or buried. While the paper burns the following affirmation must be repeated three times out loud: “Fire of purity now consumes the dedicated ritual which wings through the universe then returns to earth and is completely fulfilled.” Results can take from three days to three weeks to materialize. They depend on a person’s ability for deep concentration. Rituals should not be performed when you are tired, angry, or unhappy. Should this occur during any Ritual, meditate quietly. Ground the body while burning a small blue candle in the main room of the home. Oil Lamps can be used in place of the blue candle. Never burn them and leave the room, fire can quickly ensue. Oil lamps are hung with heavy cord in the center of the room. The lamp is made by placing a wick set in metal on the bottom of an iron container one-quarter filled with olive oil. They can also be placed on a flat, fireproof surface such as marble. Health Ritual Candle Layout: Grandma said, “an old custom of our people is to light candles. When someone is sick we use white ones on either side of the bed and blue at the foot of the bed for healing.” This isnot required to perform a Ritual for health but can be used. After anointing all candles, the self-representation candle is placed in the center, because the person performing the Ritual is the center for the magic, the center of the mini-universe which is created on the white linen cloth. Think of it as your private universe. All vibrations emanate through the center core in the Ritual area therefore, number one. Candles are always placed on the cloth in numerical sequence. Two white candles are placed on either side of the center candle. Next, orange-red candle is placed next to the White. The orange/red, is a representation of the person or oneself for whom the Ritual is being performed. Alight blue candle is placed next to that followed by a deep purple candle. The candles are lit in numerical order beginning with the center one and each time the Ritual is performed while repeating the Chant aloud. Time of day for performing the daily Ritual should be convenient. It is done at the same time daily for seven full days. Give full concentration to the Chant repeating it over and over while seated or standing in front of the candles. Allow candles to burn for fifteen minutes. Attracting Love/Soul Mate Candle Layout: The idea of a soul mate evolved from the Greeks. They believed mortals had become quite bothersome to the busy Gods dwelling on the majestic Mount Olympus. Although protected from entry, humans by nature are an inquisitive lot who pondered, how to enter Mount Olympus. Apparently the Gods had a Board Meeting. They decided that the “rolly polly” mortals should be split in two, separating the male from the female. They will be so busy looking for the other half through all eternity, that they will not have time to bother us any longer, said the Gods. Whether fact or fiction, a search for the soul mate prevails in the human psyche. We seek to find, our other half, perhaps from a time long forgotten when we were androgynous. Design a specific Chant e.g., I set in motion the power of love and desire which will bring the perfect lasting love. After anointing the candles place the self-representation candle in the center. Continue as outlined above for arrangement with, Orange, red then white. This never to be performed with a specific individual as the object of desire. The effect is binding. This Ritual is performed for fifteen minutes each day, for a full thirteen days. Past Life Ritual Candle Layout: There are several reliable methods for recalling past lives: Regression (hypnosis), Astrology, Meditation, and Candle Ritual. The projection of purple not only brings a melding of the spirit world with the physical, it invokes the power to turn back. This Ritual requires using all deep purple candles. They encompass the self-representation candle always placed in the center. It does not require a specific number of days and can be done until the result is achieved. Some highly attuned individuals will experience visions of past incarnations while seated before the candles in a meditative state. Others become aware during dreams. Again, the Ritual should be performed until the result appears. At least a half hour is spent seated in front of the Candle Layout. Concentrate on past lives being revealed e.g., deep within is a record of all life experiences. I now reference the most prominent one having significance for my present life. A single candle can be burned to bring higher vibratory influences in any situation. The candle does not have to burn for any length of time. Once it has been lit the first time, it remains in the area. It can be a room in the home, the office or anyplace where a great deal of time is spent. A message continuously being conveyed from within by the higher self is, unification of the conscious and subconscious mind. The higher self is the subconscious where all memory, past, present, and future events are stored. The conscious is the insubordinate. Grandma said, “if both can merge, you would not only hear but listen to the inner voice quieting the turmoil, the uncertainty, becoming sublime and peaceful. Togetherness with self is the first factor to be considered before seeking harmony with others. When we find harmony within, it will be found without. It forever changes how we interact with others. Concentrate on togetherness and peace by realizing, self. Lift the body and the spirit to higher echelons. Invite the cosmic energy flowing freely through the universe to engulf your spirit with the energy and life force. This is the way it is intended to flow.” I asked, “but how do I do this Grandma, it sounds very difficult. What should I do, where do I begin?” She smiled and said: “invite cosmic energy to enter the physical body first by laying down in the sunlight, either indoors or outdoors. The sun is the source of all life force. Look toward the sky and see the segmented matter that appears to flutter about like butterflies. Some are round, others, long, they appear colorless to the eye. This is cosmic energy. Draw it into your physical body. It will enter the inner core of your spirit. Project the color pink. It heals you inside and out bringing a unification between the higher and lower self.” “This is a beneficial exercise to perform regarding past life experiences but you like facts and figures. Astrology will appeal to you for that purpose.” She was right about Astrology but I still burn candles. Their magic is impeccable. For me, fire and candles are analogous. The preceding was told to me by my Grandma in 1955 after she had informed me that I was, in fact a bloodline Witch, despite my horror and disbelief at that time. She passed over in 1958. I thank her for all the love and energy that she gave to me. Rest in peace Grandma. © Copyright Joyce Luciano 2012. All Material Contained Herein.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 09:28:21 +0000

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