The Death Toll has Risen to 40,000. Current statistics show in - TopicsExpress


The Death Toll has Risen to 40,000. Current statistics show in the last two years another 30,000 have died. Fraud and neglect is the culprit. Fraud by the insurance companies, neglect by the government. Whose home will they strike next? Whose family will be destroyed? Where are we safe at work when the promised protections are gone. They do not exist. While most of the paper pushers I know could not, would not, know what an honest days work is. Pampered prissies in offices, pasty faced or over burned from holiday Sun. Reading a piece of paper from a corrupt doctor who makes a fortune denying claims. By falsifying records. Errors of omission and addition. Lies. Frauds from one doctor follows the patient throughout the system. It only takes one of them to ruin a mans life, a families life. How can any of us who become injured at work, even when it is 100% the companies fault, ever get well and back to some form of employment if we are continually denied benefits and forced to appeal? How can we get swift justice for the harm done to us when our medical and legal rights have been taken by government legislation? And why has this never been told to the public? In Canada we are dropping like flies. Injured workers in pain and torment and dumped onto welfare and charity instead of receiving proper medical care and wage loss. While the coffers of the Workers Compensation Boards in Canada are overflowing with billions of dollars a family is hungry, A man alone and destitute, crippled, in pain, depressed and suicidal because of his mistreatment. Women too. And children suffer. Houses, savings, cars, furniture, all lost. They leave nothing. Snotty nosed bill collectors demanding payment. Appeal they say. Then again and again until you die and they only have to pay for your burial. Oh! suicide you say? He did it by his own hand did he? After being tortured with pain, forced into poverty, denied all medical care, Thought of as a fake and liar and a no good useless human being. Tormented because most of us know we could get well enough and retrained for another career. But no money for books, school, food, medicine, rent, heat and light. Transportation a big issue. Mobility impaired. Many able to walk or stand for short periods but if a man cant walk or stand for eight hours without bending over in pain and being exhausted then what good is he to industry? That is the Nazi attitude prevalent in the Workers Compensation system. Kill them off. Dont pay them off. Bullying, intimidation, overwhelming fear about your future. No where to turn because local police will not hear complaints of criminal activity against you. All rights taken by an insurance company. Well they must understand this. We are flesh and blood human beings, Just like them. We require our compensation so we can get well and back to work. Stop stealing our benefits, stop giving yourselves bonuses, and stop torturing us with untreated Chronic Pain. In Canada the WSIB is breaking a Supreme Court Order to treat those patients who suffer Chronic Pain. Their answer is to not diagnose someone in severe Chronic Pain. Let them die from it. Make no mistake you can die if you suffer from Chronic Pain. It causes disability and death if severe and prolonged. Their doctors know this. Appeals leave a person suffering with no treatment because the Workers Compensation doctor says there is nothing wrong with the patient. That the patient is crazy, insane, a fraud looking for insurance money. Any excuse the doctor uses and gets away with. The system then treats the patient with the utmost disrespect and even going so far as calling the patient a fraud to their face. Cutting them even off welfare. Many injured workers spend time in psychiatric hospitals because of depression caused by Chronic Pain, poverty, and stress. Many die from stroke and heart attack from the stress Chronic Pain Revolutions puts on the body. It take about 2 to 5 years to kill a patient by neglect in many cases after injury. . I have survived 34 years. I accuse my government of discrimination and neglect. People are literally dying in their homes from untreated Chronic Pain. It does not matter if the pain came from injury or disease. If it happened at work compensation is due. Anything less is a fraud. A fraud with deadly consequences.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:58:44 +0000

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