The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources is supporting a - TopicsExpress


The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources is supporting a new Woodlot Management Mentorship Program, which will create opportunities for small-forest landowners to learn from each other, and give experienced woodland owners a chance to share their knowledge. The program is being coordinated by a partnership between the Nova Scotia Woodland Owners and Operators Association, the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, and the Federation of Nova Scotia Woodland Owners. A major goal of the program is to enhance the information provided in the NSDNR Woodlot Management Home Study series through hands-on experience at a series of field days. Its hoped that these field days will bring the topics in the Home Study series to life in a woodland setting, allowing participants to ask fellow woodlot owners about their successes and failures, and see the fruits of their labours first hand. The first of these field days will be held in Green Hill, Nova Scotia.. Hosted by Tom Miller, the provincial Woodlot Owner of the Year in 2005, the event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18. Tom has been working in forestry for 40 years. He was a district supervisor for silviculture at Scott Maritimes; a silviculture contractor; and a Christmas tree grower. He is current chairperson of the Friends of Redtail Society and a past president of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association. The Millers own 500 acres of forestland in two woodlots. Their goal is to restore features of the natural Acadian Forest that were impacted by past practices. The woodlots are a noteworthy example of a balanced approach to management. Toms work highlights many of the restoration challenges facing woodlot owners today, including abandoned farm fields, regenerating clear cuts, poorly sited softwood plantations and high-graded stands. During the field day, participants will visit several forest stands on Toms woodlot in Green Hill and discuss topics from the Introduction to Silviculture and Stand Establishment modules of the Home Study program. Tom will talk about factors that influence stand composition and regeneration, and discuss silviculture and harvesting techniques that can be used to restore diversity while improving quality and value. The field day is free to woodlot owners. Lunch will be provided. Space is limited, however, so pre-registration is required. To reserve a place, or to learn more about the Mentorship Program, please contact Andy Kekacs toll-free at 1-855-NS-WOODS or via email at andy.nswooa@gmail.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:55:31 +0000

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