The first Bible I read was the King James Version which belonged - TopicsExpress


The first Bible I read was the King James Version which belonged to my father when I was very little. It looked just like the one in this picture except that it was gold edged and had tabs that were cut into it which allowed the reader to access the various books within the Bible with their fingertips from which I suppose we get the term let your fingers do the walking ? Few of us really read the Bible or even know the history behind the struggles and hardship and sacrifices made and lives lost in making it possible for us to have access to one today. Many of us think that the Bible was written by a group of conspirators to rule the masses and to subjugate women and recal Malcolm X once saying that the people who promoted the teachings in the Bible teach that those who believe in it can hope to go to a better place while those who promote it are having a better place here now. Sort of like you can find comfort in oppression here because you are going to a better place while we who are doing the oppressing are having a grand time here. In fact the ruling class and the church once tried to destroy it so that they can control the minds of the people they ruled and keep in the dark. This period in history is referred to as the Dark Ages. The Bible tells us that it was given us by the God who created the heavens and the earth. That he does not have the head of an elephant nor is he a tyrant or a unreasonable entity which is why we are here and why there is suffering and sorrow and pain alongside love, joy and peace. The Bible has been used by me to various ends. In fact at one point in my life I believed that it was a book that separated people and divided them and thus had to be burned and destroyed for the sake of humanity. That was before I realized that no matter how we may wish that everyone will come to their senses and perhaps unite to a greater good that this was an impossible task and will never happen. We as humans will always be divided and human nature is such because according to the Bible we can discern between good and evil but that our hearts are unpredictable. It was pointed out to me that when Jim Jones and his followers were being sorted out after the mass suicide that there was not one Bible to be found in their Guyana community. The Rev Moon told the Moonies that the Jewish people rejected Jesus because of the Bible and will reject him and his wife if they were to believe in the Bible. We have Bible thumping preachers who use it to promote segregation or to convince you to give money or donate to their ministry or to teach one love or to start Crusades or to judge and condemn. They do still use a Bible in a court of law to convince the people who lay their hand on one to tell the truth ? The Bible may be the last book that offers any solution or show a road map to the destination that humanity is heading now as the weather gets more unpredictable and the economy worsens because all these "time of trouble" were written in its pages ahead of time so that the few that depends on it can see their way out of it. Of itself the Bible refers to itself as a "sharp 2 edged sword" that can pierce and cut through just about everything. It can cut through theory and make believe which is what just about everyone is basing their belief systems upon nowadays because they do not understand that the Word is God and the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. And I do not mean 2,000 years ago.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 07:39:47 +0000

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