The history of Freemasonry remains unclear and many historians - TopicsExpress


The history of Freemasonry remains unclear and many historians debate its origins. Some Historians have argued that you cannot understand the history of the world for the past few hundred years if you do not take the secret societies into account. Some Masons actually trace their origin back to a time starting with Nimrod. Later followed the ancient mystery schools such as the Brotherhood and the Druids. The Illuminati have been exposed in recent times, and identified by these current blood lines of 13 families; examples would include, DuPont , Kennedy, Onassis , Rockefeller and Rothschild to name some of these families. The Illuminati are tied directly through Freemasonry to the sun and isis cults of ancient Egypt according to researchers. Others say that the “modern” roots of Freemasonry extend back to England during the time of Sir Francis Bacon (1561- 1626 ), who is considered the first grand master of modern masonry. Bacon , in his earlier years had learned to contact demonic spirits , and decided to enfold the secrets of the Rosicrucian society into the system of Freemasonry. Freemasons have no national headquarters as such but the largest “regional” area is the Scottish Rite southern jurisdiction (consisting of 35 southern states), which is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia near Washington, D.C., and overall Lodge membership in the U.S. is estimated to be approximately three million. It is a fact, that some church denominations, are led by avowed Masons. For example, it was estimated in 1994 that twenty-six percent of Southern Baptist men are Masons and it has been determined that the Southern Baptist Convention including some one thousand pastors, comprise 37% of the total U.S. lodge membership. On the surface, Freemasonry looks wholesome and is characterized by fellowship, strong loyalty within and the motivation for civic support toward many worthy causes. Joseph Fort Newton (1880-1950), an Episcopal minister and recognized authority in the Masonic world said, “Masonry is not “a religion” but “is religion” - not a church but a form of collective worship in which men of all religions may unite.” Few men understand what they are getting into when they become Masons. Unwittingly some individuals become a part of the Lodge thinking that it is an extension of their “Christian faith,” when in fact it may be a “Trojan horse”, allowing for the risk of any number of different pagan gods into the soul. For the vast majority of Masons, Freemasonry for them is the experience of a life-long succession of deceptions. During their initiation, Masons take blood oaths, but are told that they are only “symbolic”. Masonry is a system that confuses, deceives and controls men, getting them to do things that they would not do ordinarily, if they understood the implications in advance. The Mason organization, similar to some current so –called evangelical religious systems, holds as a core belief that all faiths and their basis of supreme authority will lead them to the same God. This demonic doctrine is being embraced widely today and multitudes are being led astray and taken captive by the powers of darkness ruled by the adversary. (See 2 John 8-11 and Jude 4) When men first join a Freemason lodge, they worship G.A.O.T.U., which they then are told is the “god” of their own religion. When these men have progressed further into this belief system, they are informed that G.A.O.T.U. stands for the “Grand Architect of the Universe”. For the Mason, God is not a personal being, but an impersonal force, an energy that has no substance. The Masonic doctrine of the “unity of god” teaches that all religions are essentially the same and the pagan nature gods they claim are one and the same as the God of the Bible. The biblical God is reduced to the level of all the other gods according to the Freemasonry belief system and the God of the Bible is rendered equal with the false gods of other religions. (See what God says about the idolatry of worshiping pagan gods Exodus 20:35; Psalm 96:4-5; Psalm 97:7, 9) Jim Shaw, a former 33rd degree mason, “says”, Freemasonry is not based on the Bible but rather only considers the Bible to be a “symbol” of divine will, law or revelation. The basis of written authority for Masons then is found in a medieval book of mysticism and magic, called the Kabala. Freemasonry does not believe that Jesus Christ is God, nor that Jesus is our Savior. (See I John 4:1-3; Titus 2:11-14; John 5:26-27; Phil. 2:6-11) Masons deny the reality of sin as revealed in the Bible and see no need of God’s salvation found only in Christ according to God’s plan. (See Romans 3:10-20) Masons embrace the concept that salvation comes through a process, a step-by-step enlightenment which comes through understanding occult secrets and the deeper mysteries of the Masonry craft when they are presented or exposed to them. The Mason is taught that as he receives more light he grows in perfection. Masonry purports to be the Light that awakens man’s mind to his perfection- it is a vehicle for mankind to discover his divinity and achieve personal regeneration. At the heart of Masonry is a secret Luciferian doctrine, which a Mason only is able to understand at the highest levels of this evil system of worship. Lucifer is the bearer of light that enlightens man’s understanding of his Higher Self or his “God Self .” Sir Francis Bacon’s close associate Dr. John Dee was the court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth 1 .It is well known that Dee was a sorcerer who summoned demonic spirits to obtain secret knowledge; a practice used by Rosicrucians for centuries. The Rosicrucians desired to know secrets of science and consult demons to get information.Like the Gnostics ,the Rosicrucians craved knowledge; it was this desire that led them to worship Lucifer. The secret orders regard Lucifer as the “angel of light” who in the form of a serpent, bid mankind to partake of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” so that their eyes would be open and they could become as gods. For the Mason God is a “Life Principle” that lies within all living things. This is the inner doctrine of these secret orders. Manly Hall, another authority on Masonry, writes, “when the Mason has learned the mystery of his craft, the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands.” The highest level Masons (Princes and Adepts) deliberately deceive their Mason adherents under them. Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason, as well as a prince adept, was himself one of the highest authorities in American Masonry. He was “Grand Commander” of the southern jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891. The dream envisioned by Masonic Leaders such as Sir Francis Bacon initially and later Albert Pike for example, was that Washington, D.C. would one day become the capital for the “New Atlantis”. 150 years before the revolutionary war, about or not long after the same time frame that Christians in the Puritan/ Pilgrims movement founded their colony in 1620, the secret societies also left Europe and established a presence in early America sometime in the 1600’s as well, occurring simultaneously while our early Church fathers laid claim for their new found freedom in America to worship the true GOD of the Bible. Consequently due to this fact, the destiny of America from its inception as a nation later in 1776 has also been shaped and molded by dark spiritual forces working concurrently together bearing influence upon and within the men belonging to Freemasonry. Some Masons have even held office in our government at the highest levels. Of the 56 signers of the ”Declaration Of Independence” as many as 35-44 were Freemasons. Numerous Presidents were also part of the craft, including Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Buchanan, T. Roosevelt, Harding, F. Roosevelt, Truman, L. B. Johnson, and Gerald Ford. In 1793 when President George Washington sanctioned the laying of the cornerstone for the buildings designed for Washington D.C. He did so wearing a Masonic apron emblazoned with the Brotherhoods’ Symbols. The Masonic symbolism that our first president wore was designed to please the “invisible agencies” – the pagan gods who watched over the event. The radiant eye on the apron represented the invisible presence of the great architect –the high spiritual being who had been invoked and invited by prayer and ritual to oversee and approve of the ceremonial. It is a matter of record that Freemasons engineered the layout of the streets and buildings of the governmental center of Washington D.C. according to an occult grand design. The rise of this paganism in our country is no accident; it was planned from the beginning. The secret society of Freemasonry saw fit to continue their practice of carving their doctrines in stone in the New World with the building of Washington D.C. This is why one will find countless images of gods and goddesses, along with zodiacs, the Washington Monument Obelisk , reflecting pools , and evil pagan imagery throughout the Nations Capital. Washington D.C. can be described as the world’s foremost “Masonic City”. Of all the Masonic symbols associated with the founding of America, the design of “The Great Seal” of the United States has the highest signature of occult planning by Freemasons. The great seal is in plain sight for all to see on the back of our dollar bill. The great seal not only depicts a bird adorned with hidden meaning and numerological symbolism, it also clearly illustrates a pyramid, which is an Occultic symbol that when understood, reveals the base of the pyramid to be the masses of people around the world. The smaller pyramid suspended or floating above the base represents the ruling elite (international bankers ) over the masses. This also conceals a cipher, a system of secret writing along with symbols based on a key concerning the secret destiny of America. It was not until the 1930’s that the significance of the great seal started finding its defining moment. While President Franklin Roosevelt was in office, he was so impressed with the idea that the foundation for a new world order of the ages had been laid in 1776 but that it would be completed only under the watchful eye of the great architect Lucifer. Both Vice President Wallace and President F. Roosevelt were 32nd degree Masons. Roosevelt was later succeeded by President Harry Truman, the 33rd President of the U.S. and a 33rd degree Freemason. This secret destiny of America is based on occult prophecy and it’s planned fulfillment within 10 years following the year 2009 according to some researchers. Satan is called the god of this worldly (system) and described to be the prince and power of the air. Mankind’s adversary the devil has created a stronghold in every nation of the world, and our nation is no exception. This has not prevented our Heavenly Father from rescuing the souls of men according to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and furthermore God has faithfully provided for His people through the years. It appears that we are rapidly approaching “THE END OF THE AGE” that the Bible foretold of in (Matt. chapter - 24 and Rev. chapter -13), where the whole world will be deceived and believe a lie from Satan. A master plan that is already well under way by the (Globalist Elite) with an agenda for a one world government a one world economic system and a one world religion will soon culminate under the rule of the “Beast” for a short time. These things will come to pass but God promises that His Son, our Lord and eternal King of all creation Jesus Christ will return and take complete possession of the whole earth and all that rightfully belongs to Him. (Revelation 11:15, 19:11-21, 20:1-10) Our Savior Jesus Christ provides spiritual protection and a glorious victory to all those who obey the true Gospel and faithfully follow Him. ( Romans 8:37-39 ) If men do not repent and they reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His power to forgive their sins , the wrath of God awaits them. Tragically they forfeit the only way to obtain eternal life and eternity with God, but instead these men will be eternally condemned and cast into Hell and the Lake of Fire. see (John 3:35-36 ), ( 2 Thessalonians 1: 7-10 ) ( Revelation 20:11-15).
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:08:03 +0000

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