The past three mornings we have not been able to walk down the - TopicsExpress


The past three mornings we have not been able to walk down the driveway due to the ice. So we would get in the car, drive to the end of the driveway , go for our walk, come home, get in the car, go for a short drive (Sasha loves going in car) and then come home. This morning when I went through the door, I was greeted with Sashas sneeze, birds chirping and ice on the windshield. Thank goodness the ice had melted in the driveway and we were able to walk down it today. As we left for our walk, the sky was awash with a haze of pinks. Although it was still early you could see the blue in the sky. It was so very pretty. The birds were singing beautifully (still cant see them). From the volume of the songs, you would think that the trees were alive with them. I didnt hear or see any crows today. We walked and found an array of new garbage. Last night someone had fries with gravy and a hamburger. Sasha just loves the smell of this and wanted to sniff any goodness out of it. She even wanted to taste all the goodies. But that didnt happen. I think that I am getting stronger. With one tug on the leash she was on the trot again. I wonder why people cant take their garbage home with them instead of littering??????? It was such a peaceful walk today.There wasnt any wind and it isnt too cold, just a slight chill in the air. We walked a little farther than usual which again makes for new spots to discover and sniff. The it was time to come home. On the way back home we found the persons drink can. Sasha loves the smell of soft drinks. Then we found a small can of a enery booster. If it belongs to the same person why didnt she/he have the energy to pick up the garbage? Then the sun came completely over the horizon. How gorgeous! It was so bright, like a golden globe shining everywhere. As the sun filtered through the trees, it made us pick up our heels and walk a little faster. The sky is a blaze with gold and the blue sky reminded me of robins eggs. Spring is in the air! Its absolutely wonderful to get out and enjoy the fresh air. Enjoy this day everyone!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:23:45 +0000

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