The thinking behind Wikanko is simple – Planet Earth and the - TopicsExpress


The thinking behind Wikanko is simple – Planet Earth and the beautiful natural environment around us are very fragile. A huge amount of damage has been done already and the issues that mankind must solve if we are to survive are immense. Climate change, de-forestation, loss of natural habitats, extinctions of species, pollution of the oceans to name just a few. These issues can only be solved at governmental level and through international consensus. Progress is slow but at least there is a growing awareness that things must change. Within the Wikaniko Community we do not accept that because the environmental problems facing humanity are so huge there is nothing individuals can do to help. We have set out to change this negative thinking forever by showing you how you can easily make simple and affordable changes. These will of benefit to the environment and to your personal wellbeing. All it require is a change of mind-set from “I cannot make a difference” to “I am going to do my bit for the environment”. Make that step-change and you will then be ready for the next one which is “how”. That is where Wikaniko can really help. We can show you exactly how to switch over to a greener lifestyle in simple, easy and affordable stages. Here is an example of what we mean – most of us do a regular supermarket shop don’t we? Apart from food you put products in the trolley that will keep yourself and your home clean and smelling nice! But do you realize there is a cost to pay that goes way beyond the checkout – it’s the long term damage these chemicals are doing to your health and the wellbeing of the environment. Another big issue is our excessive and often unnecessary use of polythene bags. When you join our community of likeminded people as a customer you get instant access to around a thousand high quality products all of which are environmentally friendly. All you have to do is sign up as a customer and immediately you can start to be much greener and richer because you will be saving money. If any of the above appeals why not sign up now as a Wikaniko customer and get a great bonus – earn Eco Points to save even more money? If any of this strikes a chord with you then why not join our growing community. You can do it in 2 ways - as a customer or as a distributor. To find out more visit these 2 sites: 1. 2.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:37:03 +0000

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