There are countries that have more than one official language and, - TopicsExpress


There are countries that have more than one official language and, according to an undated chart by the American pro-English-only organization U.S. Language, there are 15 countries without any official language: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eritrea, The Holy See, Luxembourg, San Marino, Sweden, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.[5] India officially recognizes 23 languages, the most of any country in the world.[8] However, in the plurinational state of Bolivia, Article 5-1 of the Constitution recognises 37 official languages (the first one is Spanish or Castellano, plus the native indigenous languages): Son idiomas oficiales del Estado el castellano y todos los idiomas de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos, que son el aymara, araona, baure, bésiro, canichana, cavineño, cayubaba, chácobo, chimán, ese ejja, guaraní, guarasuwe, guarayu, itonama, leco, machajuyai-kallawaya, machineri, maropa, mojeño-trinitario, mojeño-ignaciano, moré, mosetén, movima, pacawara, puquina, quechua, sirionó, tacana, tapieté, toromona, uru-chipaya, weenhayek, yawanawa, yuki, yuracaré y zamuco. [9
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:25:38 +0000

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