There was a time when smoking was allowed on airplanes, seat belts - TopicsExpress


There was a time when smoking was allowed on airplanes, seat belts were not required in cars, there were no baby car seats and cigarette packs did not have to have warning labels. I am so thankful to those who fought to have laws put in place in the name of safety for all. The work that I do with Beautycounter is no different. What you put in and on your body counts. Our skin is our largest organ and what you put on it really does matter as the chemicals that we place on our bodies every single day go directly into our bloodstream. (From shampoo and body lotion to sunscreen and cosmetics). The fact that the U.S. only bans or restricts 11 ingredients and that 90% of the chemicals in our personal care products have never been tested for safety is completely unacceptable and Beautycounter is doing something about it. I feel so proud of what this company is doing and as a Mother of two wonderful children, am happy to share their mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone. What we are doing and the changes we have already accomplished to date are truly amazing. I am choosing to be a part of the solution. Because why not be about prevention instead of waiting to see what might happen. Would love to have you on this journey for a better tomorrow. For yourself as a parent, for your family because you love them. No matter what you do now, there are so many different types of people joining our movement at Beautycounter; attorneys, chemists, environmental scientists, health coaches, physicians, boutique owners, stay-at-home moms, teachers, publishers, yoga instructors, real estate professionals, writers, the list goes on - they have all joined our movement because they know that what you put on your skin matters, and no one has to sacrifice safety for performance. Beautycounter is leading a big change in the cosmetics industry and has been a life-changing opportunity for me and many others. We have a once in a lifetime ability to effect social change while making a substantial income. Id love you to join us! If you are intrigued even a little, you can dial into the live call with our CEO/Founder on Thursday. 1/15 - 11am PT, 2pm EST to hear more (The call will be recorded, if you are unable to dial in.) Feel free to message me with any questions! I am choosing to be a part of the solution. Because why not be about prevention instead of waiting to see what might happen. Message me offline to talk more. I am happy to set up a time to do private call or bring the products to you to show you. I can also send samples. katherinetype.beautycounter, call 917.583.0927 or FB message me. Its time to make a change. And best part, products are high performing and once you use Beautycounter, you will not go back! I would love some Moms to help me educate and share the truth. So, spend all the time you want with your adorable baby and then on your own time, your own flexible schedule, lets get you involved. Lets just start the conversations about safer products for you and your family.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:18:52 +0000

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