Theres so much wrong with this it makes my head hurt. First, if - TopicsExpress


Theres so much wrong with this it makes my head hurt. First, if youre going to say Walmart is costing us $X, youd need to offset that number by however much Walmart (and its employees and shareholders) are paying to Big Guvmint in income / payroll / capital gains / property / etc taxes. Considering it is almost always the largest taxpayer in the vast majority of municipalities where it has a store, Im going to go out on a limb and guess the actual cost is quite a bit less. But then theres the broader economic illiteracy that defines liberalism. Walmart doesnt have a police force going out compelling people to work for it; if someone is working there for a sh*t wage, its because they cant find a better paying job somewhere else. If the economy starts booming and Walmart cant find competent employees at whatever rate theyre paying (because everyone else would have hired them away) theyll either have to raise wages or understaff their stores. But the holy trinity of the Lefts economic religion -- if it moves, tax it; if it keeps moving, regulate it; if it stops moving, subsidize it -- doesnt promote economic growth. It just shifts money from one pocket to another. You cant knowingly promote economic stagnation and then be indignant when stories like this come out. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) gets it (see, e.g., realclearpolitics/video/2014/11/25/schumer_obamacare_wasnt_the_change_we_were_hired_to_make_in_2008.html ). The LibDems who put together this report do not.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:25:01 +0000

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